A curated list of awesome Bosque related stuff
Apr 23, 2021
The Bosque programming language is a Microsoft Research project that is investigating language designs for writing code that is simple, obvious, and easy to reason about for both humans and machines. The key design features of the language provide ways to avoid accidental complexity in the development and coding process.
A curated list of awesome Bosque related stuff
This repository will contain the HELLO-WORLD! programs written in different programming languages.
Bosque Syntax Highlighting Plugin for Sublime Text
A JupyterLab Environment with Bosque Support
BEMP’s continued on-line educational support
A JupyterLab extension for Bosque Syntax Highlighting
A Jupyter Lab Bosque Kernel
Dockerfile for a fully functional Bosque Development Environment with all necessary dependencies.
A package manager concept for Bosque.
Created by Microsoft
Released April 7, 2019