The purpose of this project is to create a collaborative online platform where users can engage in group study activities with their friends. It allows registered users to create, manage, and complete assignments while fostering a sense of teamwork and accountability. Users can also evaluate and grade each other's assignments, promoting peer learning and constructive feedback.
- Tailwind CSS
- JavaScript
- React JS
- Axios
- MongoDB
- Express JS
- Node JS
- Cors
- Cookie Parser
- Firebase
- Fully Dynamic And Functional Full Stack Project
- Eye Catching UI and UX
- Lightweight, Fast Loading and Optimized Website
- Easy To Manage
- Developed by MERN Stack
- Implemented authentication system such as login, logout, registration, signin with google
- Used JWT - JSON Web Token
- Dark/Light theme
- Filter, sort, search and pagination functionality used
- aos : ^2.3.4,
- axios : ^1.7.9,
- firebase : ^11.0.2,
- lottie-react : ^2.4.0,
- react : ^18.3.1,
- react-datepicker : ^7.5.0,
- react-dom : ^18.3.1,
- react-icons : ^5.4.0,
- react-parallax-tilt : ^1.7.268,
- react-router-dom : ^7.0.2,
- react-sticky-navbar: ^1.1.2,
- sweetalert2 : ^11.15.3,
- swiper : ^11.1.15
- cookie-parser: ^1.4.7
- cors: ^2.8.5
- dotenv: ^16.4.7
- express: ^4.21.2
- jsonwebtoken: ^9.0.2
- mongodb: 5.5
- nodemon: ^3.1.9
Clint Link :
Server Link :
Run npm install
to install project dependencies.
Create a .env
file and put your environment variable there. Save the following variable:
- NODE_ENV=development
- PORT=Your port
- JWT_ACCESS_SECRET=Your access token
- ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION=Your expiration time
- Run
npm run dev
to run the project locally. - Run
nodemon index.js
to run the server.