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A lightweight, blazing-fast, modular ERC-4337 TypeScript bundler built with functional programming

Node Version TypeScript codecov ESM Supported Docker pulls

⚠️ Please note that while the software is fully functional, it is important to know that it may contain bugs and incomplete features and undergo frequent updates.



Follow these instructions to get the project up and running on your local machine for development purposes:

  1. git submodule update --init
  2. Use the correct node version nvm use
  3. Add PRIVATE_KEY to the contracts/.env file to deploy the entrypoint contract locally.
  4. Install dependencies yarn install
  5. Start local geth node and geth-tracer-node: yarn local-eth
    • Deploys the entrypoint contract to the local network.
    • Please wait for environment vars to be printed in the console and copy it to your .env files.
  6. In a new terminal window, start the bundler node in dev mode with a live watch for changes in the ./src path with auto restarts. There are three different dev modes:
    • yarn dev - To start the bundler node in safe mode with full storage and opcode checks.
    • yarn dev:unsafe - To start the bundler node in unsafe mode with no storage or opcode checks.
    • yarn dev:native-tracer - To start the bundler node in safe mode with full storage and opcode checks enabled by the native tracer.
  • The bundler node will start on http://localhost:4337/rpc.


Run the test suite.

yarn test

Run an e2e script to send a userOp through the bundler.

yarn send-op


yarn lint
yarn lint:fix

Running Transeptor

Transeptor offers many options for installing and running the bundler node.

Build from source

Building Transeptor from source requires NodeJS and Yarn. Once you have installed the prerequisites, follow these steps to build Transeptor:

nvm use
yarn install
yarn build
./transeptor --help


Quickly get Transeptor running on your machine using Docker.

The following command will start Transeptor using the latest stable release. Replace <.path_to_your-env_file> with the path to your .env file and <http://your_ethererm_network_provider_url> with the URL of your Ethereum network provider.

docker run -d --name transeptor -p 4337:4337 --env-file <.path_to_your-env_file> transeptorlabs/bundler:latest \
 --httpApi web3,eth,debug \
 --txMode base \
 --port 4337 \
 --network <http://your_ethererm_network_provider_url> \

Building Docker image

Building the Docker image from the source code requires that the Docker be installed on your machine. Once you have installed Docker, follow these steps to build the Docker image from soruce.

yarn build:image

Run image in the background

yarn start:image

stop image

yarn stop:image

Node Configuration

Command line arguments

List of all command line arguments supported by the bundler.

  -V, --version                  output the version number
  --unsafe                       UNSAFE mode: Enable no storage or opcode checks during userOp simulation. SAFE mode(default).
  --tracerRpcUrl <string>        Enables native tracer for full validation during userOp simulation with prestateTracer native tracer on the network provider. requires unsafe=false.
  --network <string>             Ethereum network provider. (default: "http://localhost:8545")
  --httpApi <string>             ERC4337 rpc method namespaces to enable. (default: "web3,eth")
  --port <number>                Bundler node listening port. (default: "4337")
  --numberOfSigners <number>     Number of signers HD paths to use from mnemonic (default: "3")
  --minBalance <string>          Minimum ETH balance needed for signer address. (default: "1")
  --mistake <string>            Minimum stake an entity has to have to pass the reputation system. (default: "1")
  --minUnstakeDelay <number>     Time paymaster has to wait to unlock the stake(seconds). (default: "0")
  --bundleSize <number>          Maximum number of pending mempool entities to start auto bundler. (default: "10")
  --maxBundleGas <number>        Max gas the bundler will use in transactions. (default: "5000000")
  --auto                         Automatic bundling. (default: false)
  --autoBundleInterval <number>  Auto bundler interval in (ms). (default: "12000")
  --txMode <string>              Bundler transaction mode (base, searcher).
    (base mode): Sends bundles using eth_sendRawTransaction RPC(does not protect against front running).
    (searcher mode): Sends bundles  using Flashbots Auction to protect the transaction against front running (only available on Mainnet) (default: "base")
  --metrics                      Bundler node metrics tracking enabled. (default: false)
  --influxdbUrl <string>         Url influxdb is running on (requires --metrics to be enabled). (default: "http://localhost:8086")
  --influxdbOrg <string>         Influxdb org (requires --metrics to be enabled). (default: "transeptor-labs")
  --influxdbBucket <string>      Influxdb bucket (requires --metrics to be enabled). (default: "transeptor_metrics")
  --p2p                          p2p mode enabled (default: false)
  --findPeers                    Search for peers when p2p is enabled. (default: false)
  -h, --help                     display help for command

Environment variables

List of all environment variables supported by the node.

# Required for production

# Optional


We welcome contributions to enhance our ERC-4337 Bundler. If you would like to contribute, please follow these guidelines here.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or feedback about Transeptor, please contact us.


Licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.


We are grateful to the open-source community and the countless developers who have shared their knowledge and resources, enabling us to build upon their work:

  • Infinitism - for inspiring our project and serving as a reference for implementation techniques.

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