- Twitter: @ramilego4game
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- LÖVE Forums Thread:
LIKO-12 is a fantasy computer inspired by PICO-8 but with extra abilities, different API and bigger screen width.
We are working on this because PICO-8 is not available under a free license that allows improvements and sharing, and also to lift some of the more restrictive limitations on games like the token limit.
PICO-8 is a fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs. When you turn it on, the machine greets you with a shell for typing in Lua programs straight away and provides simple built-in tools for creating sprites, maps and sound.
LIKO-12 comes with a terminal, lua console, sprites editor and a code editor. It also comes with a modified pixel font which includes lower-case letters. We plan on adding a map editor and audio/music editor in the future.
So you can basically create spritesheets, and games using this console.
- Clone the LIKO-12 repo, Be sure to clone the WIP branch.
- Install LÖVE.
- You may install "Github Desktop" to clone the repo.
- Get LÖVE installer from
- Create a text file at your desktop, call it "run liko12"
- Type in (Replace them with your pathes):
"path to love" "path to clone directory"
For default 32bit installation, replace likopath with the path to the cloned folder, it should contain main.lua.
"C://Program Files/LOVE/love" "likopath"
- Save the text file as "run liko12 .bat "
- Run the batch file.
- Enter the cloned LIKO-12 repo directory (that contains main.lua) and type this command to run:
love .
A lot of you may saw some gifs of the new work in progress LIKO-12 V0.6, so here's some info about it:
After releasing LIKO-12 V0.0.5C I decided to recode LIKO-12 giving it a modular engine, With this engine I can add new features to LIKO-12 more easier. And the new engine aims to give LIKO-12 more feelings of an old computer, by implementing a BIOS, Virtual HardDrives, etc.. (I wrote a complete post about them here )
After 6 months of silent updates, I managed to get LIKO-12 back to life, and started to post GIFs of it on my twitter. So now the LIKO-12 has an OS called "DiskOS", that you can edit and hack yourself inside LIKO-12 itself.
- It automatically REFLASHES the DISKOS at boot, so any modification to it will revert at reboot, instead edit /OS/DISKOS/ in the SRC.
- The boot animation will be changed soon.
- The bios configuration screen still doesn't exists.
- Loads the GPU with pico-8 16 color palette at 192x168 resolution.
- Creates 2 virtual harddrives, C & D, each with 50 megabyte space.
- Creates a Keyboard and a mouse.
Direct Message me at twitter (see link bellow), I will response as soon as possible.
- Twitter @RamiLego4Game (I post daily/weekly gifs of the upcomming features of LIKO-12)
- LÖVE Forums Topic: