Releases: triandamai/bank-falah-syariah
Releases · triandamai/bank-falah-syariah
What's new
- Add statistic for nasabah,transaction,and tabungan 669d22f .
- Add Laporan neraca 6850563
- Add laporan Laba-Rugi 6850563
- Add function for extract excel to data import 196a223.
Bug Fix
- Date range transaction refactored for user friendly 04baad7
- Download file function moved to mixin 6477512
What new
- Transaction Neraca
- Transaction Bank
Bug Fix
- Add search nasabah in transaction
- typo simpanan to tabungan
Update 7 nov 2021
What's New:
- Finishing Transaction(minus deposito)
Bug Fix's:
- console.log expose session data ec40ffe
- Pagination not work at a17d0d1
- Route mutasi not work(after refactor) at b2c3ca9
almost there
What's New:
- Finishing Transaction
Bug Fix's:
- console.log expose session data (#55)
- header description no show properly(#58 )
- mutasi simpanan got request to mutes pembiayaan(#56 )
What's New:
- Autofill/Autogenerate
no rekening
base on nasabah(#59)
- Autofill
become dropdown when more than one no_rekening
- Add more data to show in data nasabah
(#57 )
- Add clickable stepper in Form nasabah
Bug Fix's:
- pagination get data nasabah infinity loop (#55)
- step 4 in
no content(#58 )
- Show validation message from backend(#56 )
Hello World
Bug Fix:
- Fix route
call maximum callstack exedeed
(#54 )
- Datatable error after POST/PUT data (#46 #51 )
- Watch mixin components #52
- Notification Internet Connection(aedbf17)
- Ketika lebih dari 1 device pada 1 akun akan auto logout(a899572)
- Merubah Format
ke Rupiah
- Import Siswa melalui
- Multi languange #30
full fitur
feat: add notification when connection has change