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Merge pull request #11 from Rummskartoffel/windows-installer
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Add new Windows installer
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bovine3dom authored Jan 16, 2021
2 parents 518f2be + 547b81f commit 2cc7a9f
Showing 1 changed file with 123 additions and 0 deletions.
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions installers/windows.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
.Parameter Uninstall
Whether to uninstall an existing native messenger installation.
.Parameter Tag
The Tridactyl version to which the corresponding version of the native
messenger should be installed. Tridactyl versions lower than 1.21.0 are not
.Parameter InstallDirectory
The directory in which the native messenger should be installed. Defaults
to "$env:USERPROFILE\.tridactyl". This parameter is not honoured when an
existing installation is found.
Param (
[switch]$Uninstall = $false,
[string]$Tag = "master",
[string]$InstallDirectory = "$env:USERPROFILE\.tridactyl"

function Get-ExistingManifest {
if (Test-Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\NativeMessagingHosts\tridactyl") {
$ManifestLocation = (Get-ItemProperty "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\NativeMessagingHosts\tridactyl")."(default)"
if ($ManifestLocation -and (Test-Path $ManifestLocation)) {
return Get-Item $ManifestLocation
return $null

function Install-NativeMessenger {
if ($ExistingManifest = Get-ExistingManifest) {
$InstallDirectory = $ExistingManifest.Directory

# Pre-5.1 versions of Powershell might not have a TLS version that GitHub
# supports enabled by default.
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = `
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

$MessengerVersion = (Invoke-WebRequest `
Write-Output "Installing native messenger version $MessengerVersion in $InstallDirectory"

Write-Output "Entering $InstallDirectory"
New-Item -ItemType Directory $InstallDirectory -Force > $null
Push-Location $InstallDirectory

Write-Output "Downloading native messenger"
Invoke-WebRequest `
"$MessengerVersion/native_main-Windows" `
-OutFile "native_main.exe"

Write-Output "Downloading manifest"
(Invoke-WebRequest `
Content.Replace("REPLACE_ME_WITH_SED", "native_main.exe") |
Set-Content -Path "tridactyl.json"

Write-Output "Registering native messenger"
New-Item -ItemType Directory `
"HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\NativeMessagingHosts\tridactyl" `
-Force > $null
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\NativeMessagingHosts\tridactyl" `
-Name "(default)" -PropertyType String `
-Value $((Get-Item "tridactyl.json").FullName) `
-Force > $null

Copy-Item $PSCommandPath "installer.ps1"

Write-Output "Exiting $InstallDirectory"
Write-Output "Done"
Write-Output @"
The installer for the native messenger has been copied to $InstallDirectory.
To uninstall the native messenger, navigate to that directory in Powershell
and run ".\installer.ps1 -Uninstall".

function Uninstall-NativeMessenger {
if (-not ($ExistingManifest = Get-ExistingManifest)) {
Write-Error "Native messenger not found, cannot uninstall!"
exit 1
} else {
$InstallDirectory = $ExistingManifest.Directory

$yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription `
"&Yes", "Uninstall the native messenger."
$no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription `
"&No", "Do nothing."
if ($Host.UI.PromptForChoice("Uninstall native messenger", `
"Are you sure you want to uninstall the native messenger from $InstallDirectory`?",
@($yes, $no), 1) -eq 1) {
Write-Output "Uninstallation cancelled"

Write-Output "Unregistering messenger"
Remove-Item -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\NativeMessagingHosts\tridactyl" `
-Force -Recurse

Write-Output "Entering $InstallDirectory"
Push-Location $InstallDirectory

Write-Output "Deleting messenger, manifest, and installer"
# We don't care about errors finding the files - that just means we don't
# have to remove them. We do care about errors deleting them, because that
# might mean manual intervention is necessary to completely remove the
# native messenger.
Get-ChildItem "native_main.exe", "tridactyl.json", "installer.ps1" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Item

Write-Output "Exiting $InstallDirectory"
Write-Output "Done"

if ($Uninstall) {
} else {

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