Toolbox for processing, plotting, and calculating stats of SAIV CTD cast data from stations
To make use of this toolbox you also need to install python-ctd package.
In the source code for python-ctd localte the folder ctd/ and replace the content with the content
of file Next, add the new function to the
within the ctd
directory so that it looks like this:
from .read import from_bl, from_btl, from_cnv, from_edf, from_saiv, from_fsi, rosette_summary
__all__ = [
Then recompile and install the python-ctd module using:
cd python-ctd pip install gsw pip install openpyxl pip install cmocean pip install xlsxwriter python develop
This adds the possibility to read SAIV files to the toolbox. The python-ctd toolbox is found here:
Run this using : python Requires: Data to be located in folders with specific structure:
==> 2018-09-07/
===> 2018-09-07 CTD data/
====> SOE10.txt
To create a time-series contour plot of CTD cast for a specific survey and stations (substations) define these and the datapaths in the 'main' function. Currently supported surveys are:
- ØKOKYST (Sognefjorden and Hardangerfjorden)
if survey == "Hardangerfjorden":
basepath = "../OKOKYST_NS_Nord_Kvitsoy/"+str(CTDConfig.year)+"/"
subStations = ["VT70", "VT69", "VT74", "VT53", "VT52", "VT75"]
if survey == "MON":
basepath = "/Users/trondkr/Dropbox/MON-data/CONVERTED/"
subStations = ['NORD1','OFOT1','NORD2', 'OFOT2','OKS1','OKS2',
if survey == "Sognefjorden":
basepath = "../OKOKYST_NS_Nord_Leon/"+str(CTDConfig.year)+"/"
subStations = ["VT16", "VT179"]
You run the toolbox after having editedt the settings in main with
Below is an example of various contour plots using this toolbox for station VT79 in
Hardangerfjorden. Data period is monthly from 2017 to December 2020: