This utility is a C wrapper for libtropic library. Once compiled, binary can be executed from bash.
Two hardware options are supported, HW SPI or USB dongle.
After cloning, update just libtropic submodule:
git submodule update --init libtropic
to avoid recursively downloading more data than necessary.
# Example usage:
$ ./lt-util
./lt-util -r [count] [file] # Random - Get number of random bytes and store them into file
./lt-util -e -i [slot] [file] # ECC key - Install private key from keypair.bin into a given slot
./lt-util -e -g [slot] # ECC key - Generate private key in a given slot
./lt-util -e -d [slot] [file] # ECC key - Download public key from given slot into file
./lt-util -e -c [slot] # ECC key - Clear given ECC slot
./lt-util -e -s [slot] [file1] [file2] # ECC key - Sign content of file1 with key from a given slot and store resulting signature into file2
./lt-util -m -s [slot] [file] # Memory - Store content of filename into memory slot
./lt-util -m -r [slot] [file] # Memory - Read content of memory slot into filename
./lt-util -m -e [slot] # Memory - Erase content of memory slot
One-liner for compiling lt-utils:
mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DUSB_DONGLE=1 .. && make && cd ../
Binary will be produced in build/
If our rpi shield is used, put jumper on a CS2 position. Example is tested on rpi3 and rpi4.
Connector J8 on Raspberry Pi:
3v3 --> 3V3 (1) (2) 5V
GPIO2 (3) (4) 5V
GPIO3 (5) (6) GND
GPIO4 (7) (8) GPIO14
GND --> GND (9) (10) GPIO15
GPIO17 (11) (12) GPIO18
GPIO27 (13) (14) GND
GPIO22 (15) (16) GPIO23
3V3 (17) (18) GPIO24
MOSI --> GPIO10 (19) (20) GND
MISO --> GPIO9 (21) (22) GPIO25 <-- CS
CLK --> GPIO11 (23) (24) GPIO8
GND (25) (26) GPIO7
GPIO0 (27) (28) GPIO1
GPIO5 (29) (30) GND
GPIO6 (31) (32) GPIO12
GPIO13 (33) (34) GND
GPIO19 (35) (36) GPIO16
GPIO26 (37) (38) GPIO20
GND (39) (40) GPIO21
Enable spi:
sudo raspi-config # then go into Interfaces and enable SPI
On raspberry pi install wiringPi from released package
$ wget
$ sudo apt install ./wiringpi_3.14_arm64.deb
Check out installed version:
$ gpio -v
gpio version: 3.14
Copyright (c) 2012-2025 Gordon Henderson and contributors
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
For details type: gpio -warranty
Hardware details:
Type: Pi 3, Revision: 02, Memory: 1024MB, Maker: Sony UK
System details:
* Device tree present.
Model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
* Supports full user-level GPIO access via memory.
* Supports basic user-level GPIO access via /dev/gpiomem.
* Supports basic user-level GPIO access via /dev/gpiochip (slow).
Use following one-liner to produce binary (tested on rpi3 and rpi4):
mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DHW_SPI=1 .. && make && cd ../
Binary will be produced in build/