Welcome to the second project I completed as during my time as part of Command Shift (FKA Manchester Codes). This project covered a lot of core JavaScript and ES6 principles which helped me gain a deeper understanding and ways to apply these to projects and my own code.
Live Page: https://cruise-ships.netlify.app/
Don't be alarmed by the blank sea staring back at you when you first open the project!
The first thing we need to do is create a starting port and render a ship.
Select the "Add Port" button and add your first Port. This will automatically give the ship a place to dock and it'll be rendered.
Keep adding ports at any time and you'll be able to sail to the different ports using the "Set Sail!" button.
By default all sounds are set to mute. Hit the mute icon to enjoy the soothing sounds of the sea.
- Domain Modelling
- Object-oriented Programming
- Single Responsibility Principle
- Dependency inversion
- Mocks
- Spies
If you'd like to play around or fork the repo you'll be required to install jest to get the tests running.
Install Jest using npm
npm install --save-dev jest
Add the following section to your package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "jest"
- Add screenshot of site
- Add jest installation
- Add guide
- Deploy to netlify and add live link
- Add Mute button
- Add footer
- Add Port Form