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A simple password manager written in Java 21 as a credit program in the course NPRG013 at MFF UK.

The whole program was written in the IDE IntelliJ IDEA v2023.1.4 and documented using javadoc.

Table of Contents


  • Command line controls or simple TUI
  • Copy name and password by command or keyboard shortcut
  • Clipboard is cleared after copying (default 5s, can be set)
  • Database encrypted with AES-256 algorithm + KDF for password with Argon2d algorithm
  • Password generator by length
  • Warning of weak passwords - Levenshtein on wordlist of common passwords
  • In UI mode, up/down arrows iterate through the command history and save the given command to the clipboard
  • After the program is properly terminated, the database is encrypted again (with exit or <Ctrl> + D)


  • Java 21.0.2
  • Linux
  • Maven (for building from source)


Download jar file from releases

The release is at this link. Or it can be downloaded with the following command:


tar -xvzf jpass_v0.0.1.tar.gz
cd jpass_v0.0.1

chmod +x jpass

./jpass [arg]

Build from source

git clone
cd jPass

mvn package

# run app
java -jar target/pass*.jar


Either the UI version is possible (by calling ./jpass -ui), or just from the command line by calling ./jpass [arg]. The commands are the same for both UI and command mode and are listed below:

Usage: [h/help], [v/version], [config], [add], [gen], [rm], [edit], [id], [uname], [ls], [c], [ui], [exit]
	h | help					 Show this text.
	v | version					 Show version information.
	config <path | seconds>		 Replace in config file path to password file or number of seconds.
	add <uname>					 Add username and password.
	gen <uname> <len> [n] 		 Add username and generate random password. Length is necessary. Optional argument 'n' turns off special characters.
	rm <uname | id>				 Delete username and password.
	edit <uname | id> [n|u|p]	 Edit account name <n | name>, username <u | username> or password <p | password>.

	id <int> [y]				 Show username and (hidden) password information - to show plaintext password use with argument y. (example 'id 2 y')
	uname <string> [y]			 Show username and (hidden) password information - to show plaintext password use with argument y.
	ls							 Shows the content of the entire pass file (ids, account names and usernames)
	c [u | p] <id>				 Copy to clipboard. Use with argument u=username or p=password and id value. (example 'c u 2')

Keyboard shortcuts

Works only in UI mode.

  • <Ctrl> + B - Copy the last username displayed to the clipboard. (use id or uname at least once before this shortcut)
  • <Ctrl> + P - Copy the last password displayed to the clipboard. (use id or uname at least once before this shortcut)
  • <Ctrl> + D - Exit the program. The equivalent of the exit command.
  • <PgUp> - Copy the last used command to the clipboard. Iterates through history up.
  • <PgDown> - Copy the last used command to the clipboard. Iterates through history down.


Add new credentials:

> add Facebook

Enter username: Bob
Enter password: P@sswOrd123
The entropy of the password is: 36.05374780501028 bits
The password is Weak! Crackable by a typical home computer in a week.
This password is, beside entropy, very weak! It's actually a common password - one of top 10000 most used in 2017!

Edit credentials: (in this case we edit the password)

> edit Facebook p

Generate or enter new password (g/e): g
Enter new length of password and if to use specials (in format '<int>, <y|n>'): 26, y

Print account info by specific account name: (including password due to optional argument y)

> uname Facebook y

Credentials for account Facebook.
Username: 		Bob
Password: 		**|/,qa(5&kIt|oDQ1vmgE#4b&

Print info by specific id: (without password - no y argument)

> ls 8

Credentials for account Account.
Username: 		Adam
Password: 		****************

Copy username by specific id: (copy Adam to clipboard)

> c u 8

Used packages

How does it work

  1. After running jpass, the config file with all its parameters is first loaded and stored in variables. If the config file does not exist, the program prompts the user to create it.
  2. The user has to enter a password (first the hash is verified) and then this password is used to decrypt the password file
  3. The password file is decrypted into memory (byte[] data) and kept there until the program is terminated. Any changes to the database work with this data. It is therefore important to terminate the program properly, otherwise data will be lost (if the database has been modified in any way).


  • Common passwords - When a password is entered, it is verified that the password entered is not one of the TOP $10~000$ most common passwords of $2017$. This wordlist is browsed.
    • The Levenshtein distance of the password is also checked. If it is less than $4$ and a match occurs, the password is again considered very weak and the user is notified.
  • Entropy - for each entered password its entropy is calculated in bits. I was inspired by this generator. At the same time, the entropy status is reported to the user - whether the password is weak/strong (based on the number of bits).

Encrypting and decrypting a password file

  • Decryption/ encryption is done by AES-256.
  • Decryption - The existence of encrypted password file name.pass is required. The user enters a password and then verifies (the hashes must match the .secret file). The database is then decrypted and loaded byte by byte into byte[] data memory. (Then this data is converted to JSON format...) .
  • Encryption - byte[] data is encrypted into the file name.pass.