Turn any input device to any input device(s) on Linux. This program lets you do advanced pocessing of input device events. For example you can remap buttons, split keyboard into multiple separate devices, turn gamepad into keyboard and mouse and many crazy things you can think of.
evtranslator /dev/input/eventX /path/to/configuration.lua [--grab]
You need to have permissions to open /dev/uinput and the event device you want to use.
option will prevent other programs from recieving events from specified input device.
Before you start read this article to get better understanding how Linux input events work.
Evtranslator uses for inicialization table Devices. It conains specification(s) of device(s).
Devices = { {device1 }, ... }
Device specification might look like this:
Devices = {
deviceBus = 0, -- optional
deviceVendor = 0, -- optional
deviceProduct = 0, -- optional
deviceVersion = 0, -- optional
deviceName = "YourDeviceName",
-- informations about axies (optional)
absInfo = {
ABS_X = {
value = 0,
minimum = -32768,
maximum = 32767,
fuzz = 16,
flat = 128,
resolution = 0
-- events that will be advertised on this device
-- advertise = "input" will advertise all event types and codes from input device
advertise = {
EV_KEY = { -- event type
"KEY_W", -- event code
Checkout configs directory for examples.
Evtranslator calls two fucntions from Lua file:
- HandleEvent(event)
- called for every event from input device
- Update(deltaTime) (optional)
- called aproximatelly every 10 miliseconds
You can also use these functions to querry input device for more information:
- EvTranslator.getABSInfo(axisCode)
- returns table absInfo for given axis
- EvTranslator.hasProperty(propertyName)
- returns bool
- EvTranslator.hasEventType(eventType)
- returns bool
- EvTranslator.hasEventCode(eventType,eventCode)
- returns bool
- EvTranslator.sendEvent(device, eventType, eventCode, eventValue)
- no return value