This repository contains CityGML LOD3 models of the Technical University of Munich.
The datasets are stored on a dedicated GitLab repository. To clone the repo, make sure to have Git LFS installed and run:
git clone --depth 1
The tum2twin-dataset repository contains:
- CityGML
- lod2-building-datasets: LOD2 building models of the Bavarian State Office for Digitizing, Broadband and Survey (LDBV)
- lod2-textured-building-datasets: LOD2 textured building models
- lod3-building-datasets: Exported CityGML v2 LOD3 building models
- lod3-vegetation-datasets: Trees modelled using this workflow
- SketchUp
- lod2-textured-building-projects: LOD2 SketchUp projects for texturing the building models
- lod3-building-projects: SketchUp projects modelled according to this guideline
The file names follow the GML IDs of the LDBV.
The goal of tum2twin is to contribute to a collection of different representations of the TUM campus and its surroundings to promote research and development of new methods.
- LDBV: tum2twin follows and preserves the structure of the official LOD2 building models (tile 690_5336 and 690_5334)
- TUM-FAÇADE: MLS point clouds with facade-level labels
If you find any errors or deficiencies, please create an issue. Improvements and extensions of the models are also highly welcome.
Publications that use the dataset:
- Scan2LoD3: Reconstructing semantic 3D building models at LoD3 using ray casting and Bayesian networks, CVPRW '23 proceedings
- TUM-FAÇADE: Reviewing and enriching point cloud benchmarks for façade segmentation, ISPRS Archives, ArCH '22 proceedings
- Automatisierte Generierung eines Baumkatasters aus Punktwolken in unterschiedlichen urbanen Umgebungen, Masterarbeit 2023, Technische Universität München, Github Repository
- Thermal Mapping from Point Clouds to 3D Building Model Facades, Remote Sensing journal, 2023
- Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung (LDBV) for their great open data offering
- AI4TWINNING, the project which is facilitating the development of the LoD3 models.
- 3D Mapping Solutions for providing high-grade 3D point clouds within the scope of the MoFa project