This project implements all algorithms and functions described in the paper "Strategic Workforce Planning in Crowdsourced Delivery with Hybrid Driver Fleets" by Julius Luy, Gerhard Hiermann, and Maximilian Schiffer, see:
The code is written in Python and C++. The C++ code is embedded into the Python project using pybind11 and cython. A requirements.txt provides details on the packages needed. We tested the code on Ubuntu 20.04 and a high-performance cluster whose details you find here:
The repository contains the following folders:
- src: Python scripts for the strategic level problem
- cpp: C++ scripts for the operational level problem
- data: Input data location
- results: Output data location
- build: Cython builds
- Create a local Python environment in ./src by subsequently executing the following commands in the root folder
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Building the C++ files:
- If you want to pre-calculate all rewards for all driver combinations (required for BDP), run in ./cpp from the command line (the binary will be located in ./cpp/cmake-build release/bin):
cmake -S ./ -B ./cmake-build-release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCalcAllRewards=TRUE
cmake --build ./cmake-build-release --target cd_cpp
- If you want to build a new operational model C++ based python module (required for PL-VFA), run in ./cpp from the command line (the module will be located in ./cpp/cmake-build-release/lib):
cmake -S ./ -B ./cmake-build-release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCalcAllRewards=FALSE
cmake --build ./cmake-build-release --target costs_cpp
- The resulting files will be located in ./cpp/cmake-build-release/lib and will called "" and "" respectively
- Note that ./cpp/cmake-build-release/lib already contains a compiled "" corresponding to the operational model used in the paper
- If you want to pre-calculate all rewards for all driver combinations (required for BDP), run in ./cpp from the command line (the binary will be located in ./cpp/cmake-build release/bin):
- Further Infos:
- We used gcc to compile the C++ files
- We use libnpy (
- We use cython version 0.29.25. A good explanation of how to create the cython builds, can be found here:
- Create a .csv file that contains all the relevant input parameters. You find an example in the data folder. It corresponds to the base case described in the paper.
- You can set the value of the parameters in the column on the right-hand side of the .csv file
- Value range of non-numerical parameters in the .csv file:
- demand_case: "cagr_growth", "constant", "peak" -- different demand types, their form can be looked up in
- discretization_technique: "homogeneous", "inhomogeneous" -- whether the CD space should be homogeneously or inhomogeneously discretized, in the paper we have a homogeneous discretization)
- solution_approach: "approx", "exact" -- PL-VFA or BDP
- rew: "yes","no" -- whether rewards should be pre-calculated, only relevant for BDP
- mode: "train", "test" -- whether the code should be called in train mode, i.e., updating the slopes, or in test mode, i.e., not updating the slopes
- random_od_patterns: "yes","no" -- wether the OD patterns should be sampled randomly (according to seed) or wether they should be set equal to the demand_patterns
- load_existing_costs: "yes", "no" -- whether existing costs should be loaded from an existing rew.npy file
load_data: "yes","no" -- whether one wants to load data or randomly sample. The following data is required if using existing data
- Demand data: demand_arrival_patterns.npy (normalized
$\lambda_i^{R}$ ) and req_pat.npy ($P_{ij}^R$ ) - Geographical data: od_matrix.npy (origin-destination matrix of the area)
- GW patterns are automatically set equal to demand patterns
- Demand data: demand_arrival_patterns.npy (normalized
- save_data: "yes", "no" -- whether output data should be saved
- load_existing_slopes: "yes","no" -- whether the PL-VFA algorithm should start the learning process with pre-trained slopes
- The data folder contains the base case, where demand and geographical data is loaded from existing files corresponding to the details in Appendix F and OD patterns are randomly sampled based on the same seed as in the paper
- Execute the following in the root folder to run the code
source venv/bin/activate
python3 <input csv location> <mode>