For this exercise, one of you will be Person A, and the other will be Person B. Decide now, and write it down so you don't forget who you are!
Complete each section before moving to the next. Reach out to your instructor for help if you run in to ANY issues!
Complete these steps in order:
- Person A
- Fork this repository
- Add Person B as a collaborator
- Clone your forked repository
into your local clone (should be called animal-party-git-practice)
- Person B
- Accept the collaboration invitation (you will likely get an email)
- Clone the forked repository (the one that you were invited to!)
into your local clone (should be called animal-party-git-practice)
- Persons A & B
- Run
git remote -v
and confirm that you are both seeing the same remote location.
- Run
You can complete the steps below at the same time
Person A
- Create a new branch labeled with your initials to work on the reptile classes. Ex:
git checkout -b mm-reptiles
- Create an Alligator class
- unskip the existing tests in 'spec/alligator_spec.rb'
- make those tests pass
- Commit your work
git add lib/alligator.rb spec/alligator_spec.rb
git commit -m "add alligator class"
- Push your branch to GitHub
git push origin <your branch name>
- Go to GitHub and refresh your repository page
- Create a Pull Request for your branch
- you may see a popup with a button to create a PR from your branch, or:
- select your branch from the dropdown labelled 'main'
- click on the button 'contribute' and add a Pull Request
- make sure you are comparing your branch to the main branch
- update the Title and add a Description
- click 'Create'
Person B
- Create a new branch labeled with your initials to work on the mammal classes. Ex:
git checkout -b md-mammals
- Create a Monkey class
- unskip the existing tests in 'spec/monkey_spec.rb'
- make those tests pass
- Commit your work
git add lib/monkey.rb spec/monkey_spec.rb
git commit -m "add monkey class"
- Create a Giraffe class
- unskip the existing tests in 'spec/giraffe_spec.rb'
- make those tests pass
- Commit your work
git add lib/giraffe.rb spec/giraffe_spec.rb
git commit -m "add giraffe class"
- Push your branch to GitHub
git push origin <your branch name>
- Go to GitHub and refresh your repository page
- Create a Pull Request for your branch
- you may see a popup with a button to create a PR from your branch, or:
- select your branch from the dropdown labelled 'main'
- click on the button 'contribute' and add a Pull Request
- make sure you are comparing your branch to the main branch
- update the Title and add a Description
- click 'Create'
Complete these steps in order:
- Person A merges the mammal branch
- Open the mammal pull request (from the 'Pull Requests' tab on your repository)
- Review the code and add comments if necessary
- Merge the pull request; this is a two step process
- click 'merge' and
- 'confirm merge'
- Person B merges the reptile branch
- Open the reptile pull request (from the 'Pull Requests' tab on your repository)
- Review the code and add comments if necessary
- Merge the pull request; this is a two step process
- click 'merge' and
- 'confirm merge'
- Persons A & B pull the updated remote main into their local repository
- go to your local main branch
git checkout main
- pull the remote main into your local main
git pull origin main
- go to your local main branch
Now, both partners have the code from the reptile and mammal branches!
From here, you are ready to continue to make a new branch, complete work, merge that work into main, update your local main, make a new branch, complete work, merge.......