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Optional: High-performance implementation of null-safe containers for Kotlin


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Optional for Kotlin

High-performance implementation of null-safe containers for Kotlin

One of the major goals of Kotlin is null safety. While Kotlin itself provides many primitive operations for safely handling null values and provides non-nullable data types, it is missing the present/not-present idiom available in FP and other languages.

Optional or Option are container types available in Java 8 and Scala, respectively. Both represent the concept of a "present" or "empty" container, with functional-programming operations to allow safe use of the contained data without null dereferences. However, these both suffer from performance issues, as they are full objects and participate in the object lifecycle.

Kotlin offers inline classes, a compile-time metaprogramming concept that treats a value as a different type than it has at the JVM/bytecode level. With judicious use of inline classes, we can use the Optional idiom on values that are really just references-or-null. Programmatically it works the same, but at the JVM level, (almost) no container objects get created.

Why a new design?

Sure, java.util.Optional has existed since Java 8, and there's an Option type in Arrow. However, both of these implementations rely on being actual wrapper objects with type inheritance; they add nontrivial overhead.

Additionally, the Arrow Option is greatly overimplemented; it tries to fit into a larger functional-programming ecosystem. Optional here is intended to be standalone and have as few dependencies as possible.

Optional provides the same programming idiom with little to no added bytecode and runtime overhead, by making the Kotlin compiler (rather than the runtime) do almost all of the work.


Optional, as far as the runtime knows, doesn't exist. The value (or lack of value) contained inside is simply the original object reference, or null. When compiled, Optional operations basically reduce down to the same operations you'd use on nullable values, inserting null checks or safe-casts where appropriate. However, the code can be much easier to understand and less prone to error.

In addition to the basics of null safety operations, Optional also implements the Set interface (after all, it's a set of exactly zero or one items), so Optionals can be used in various places where an immutable collection is needed.

Because Optional can only include zero or one items, many collection operations become trivially inlined. For instance, sorted is obvious; either the set is empty or it's already sorted. So pre-existing collection code can be used as-is.

The functions on Optional are modeled after those available for kotlin.Iterable and java.util.Optional for familiarity. Additionally, a few operations using the Option, Some, and None idiom are available, modeled after Scala.

Important notes

  • As of this writing (Kotlin 1.3.70), Kotlin inline classes are still marked experimental. So while this implementation does work, it relies on a feature that isn't yet complete or blessed by the Kotlin maintainers.

  • Usually in Kotlin, developers are discouraged from making a function inline if it doesn't handle lambdas, because the JIT will take care of inlining bytecode for common operations. However, Optional uses inline throughout for many operations because they are quite trivial. The result is bytecode that does null checks and safe-cast operations as if they were written that way in the original code.

  • Interoperability with Java is tricky. Because of how inline classes work, the final type of an Optional is always erased to java.lang.Object. This is what shows up in function signatures. Think of it as generic type erasure, but here it's just erasing the type T of the contained value. Interoperability conversions with java.util.Optional are provided to reduce the chance of error.

  • In the current implementation, it's actually possible to pass a bare reference from Java to Kotlin and get it treated as Optional, but doing so is very risky, as a type mismatch will result in a ClassCastException at some future point. So avoid trying to call functions with Optional as a parameter from Java.

  • When passing an Optional to a function accepting a Set, Collection, or Iterable, the Kotlin compiler automatically generates a wrapper object to implement the interface. Inlining happens when working with the Optional type directly.

  • An Optional<primitivetype> such as Optional<Int> results in one wrapper object on the JVM, as it will be converted to the boxed type Integer (Kotlin: Int?) in order to be nullable. However, this use case is highly optimized on the JVM, and differs from java.util.Optional<Integer> which creates two wrapper objects: Integer and Optional.

Usage examples

Construction and variable assignment

import org.duh.koptional.*

// Java style construction

val empty = Optional.empty()              // Optional<Nothing>
val alsoEmpty = Optional.ofNullable(null)
var oint = Optional.ofNullable(12345)     // Optional<Int>
var ostr = Optional.of("hello")           // Optional<String>

// Scala style construction

val empty = None             // Optional<Nothing>
val alsoEmpty = Option(null)
var oint = Option(12345)     // Optional<Int>
var ostr = Some("hello")     // Optional<String>

// If working with arbitrary maybe-nullable types, .asOptional is clearest

val anotherEmpty = null.asOptional // Optional<Nothing>
var ofloat: Optional<Number> =
    1234.56f.asOptional            // Optional<Float> declared as Optional<Number>

// Java interop

val javaOptional: java.util.Optional<Foo> = ...
val fromJava = javaOptional.asOptional    // Optional<Foo>
val toJava = Option("hello").asJOptional  // java.util.Optional<String>

// Reassignment and type compatibility

var oobj: Optional<Any> = empty
oobj = oint                  // succeeds, Optional is covariant
oobj = ostr                  // also succeeds

ostr = empty                 // succeeds, Optional<Nothing> is subtype of everything
ofloat = oint                // succeeds, we declared as Optional<Number>
ostr = oint                  // ERROR: String not compatible with Int

Inspecting the object

Many constructs are available to inspect the present/empty status of Optional as well as perform actions on different conditions.

fun inspectExample(opt: Optional<Foo>, something: Foo) {
    // Java style presence
    if (opt.isPresent()) println("present")
    if (opt.isEmpty()) println("empty")

    // Scala style presence
    if (opt.isSome) println("present")
    if (opt.isNone) println("empty")

    // Collection style presence
    if (opt.any()) println("present")
    if (opt.none()) println("empty")

    // Collection "size": returns 1 if present, 0 if absent

    // if non-empty and contains this value
    if (opt.contains(something)) println("something")

    // same as above but 0 if present, -1 if not
    if (opt.indexOf(something) >= 0) println("something")

    // "any" returns condition result, or false if empty
    if (opt.any { it == something }) println("something")

    // "all" returns condition result, or true if empty
    if (opt.all { it == something }) println("something")

    // "none" returns false if condition matches,
    // and true if empty or condition does not match
    if (opt.none { it == something }) println("something")

    // "find" returns the actual contained value if condition matches,
    // and null if empty or condition does not match
    if (opt.find { it == something } != null) println("something")

Using the contained data

Remember that Optional can be thought of as a set of zero-or-one items. So most extension functions you might expect of a Set (or Collection or Iterable) are available. Common collection functions that can be optimized for the Optional use case are inlined.

Most operations on the data within an Optional should be done using lambda processing blocks, rather than extracting the value directly, similarly to the use of Kotlin scope functions on regular references.

In particular, Optional overloads also, apply, let, run, takeIf, and takeUnless to apply by default to the contained value, not the Optional itself; and rather than returning nullable values, they return instances of Optional.

fun useExample(nullstr: String?, optstr: Optional<String>) {
    // present-only

    nullstr?.let { println(it) }
    optstr.let { println(it) }

    if (nullstr != null) println(nullstr)
    optstr.ifPresent { println(it) }

    // forEach works, but is not preferred; see note below
    optstr.forEach { println(it) }

    // absent-only

    if (nullstr == null) println("is null")
    optstr.ifEmpty { println("is empty") }

    // lambda as expression
    // this is one case where null handling is more concise
    val maybeRegex = nullstr?.toRegex()        // type Regex?
    val optRegex = optstr.let { it.toRegex() } // type Optional<Regex>

    // receiver object as expression

    val lower = nullstr?.run { toRegex() } // type Regex?
    val olower = { toRegex() }  // type Optional<Regex>

    // statements, return original object

    val printedStr = nullstr?.also { println(it) } // type String?
    val printedOpt = optstr.also { println(it) }   // type Optional<String>

    // receiver object statements, but return original object

    var rx: Optional<Regex> = None
    val regexedStr = nullstr?.apply { rx = Some(toRegex()) } // type String?
    val regexedOpt = optstr.apply { rx = Some(toRegex()) }   // type Optional<String>

    // takeIf (and takeUnless)

    val upper = nullstr?.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() } // null if string empty
    val oupper = optstr.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }  // None if string empty

A note about forEach:

As of Kotlin 1.3, the extension function Iterable.forEach overrides the implementation in Optional due to a @HidesMembers annotation. Because of this, Optional.forEach is going to be slower than all the other possibilities here (it will create an Iterator and call functions on it rather than inlining the code).

I recommend useing ifPresent or let to avoid this issue. ifPresent is unambiguous, and let is more intuitive to experienced Kotlin programmers.

ifPresent-orElse syntactic sugar

java.util.Optional.ifPresentOrElse() accepts two functions, one to run if the value is present, and one to run if it is empty. This function exists in Optional but can be cumbersome to use:

fun tellMeIfPresent(opt: Optional<String>): String {
        return "present: $it"
    }, {
        return "empty"

That's because Kotlin only supports bare lambdas with a function if there is exactly one such block as the final parameter. Optional offers an alternative that breaks up the function into two parts:

fun tellMeIfPresent(opt: Optional<String>): String {
    opt.ifPresent {
        return "present: $it"
    } orElse {
        return "empty"

This provides a more natural if-else feel to the code, and is fully inlined: all of the above results in no calls into Optional support functions. (The orElse and following block can be omitted if all you want is the nonempty case.)

Braces are required (the blocks are actually lambdas) and the orElse keyword must be on the same line as the first closing brace. These will not work:

        return "present: $it"
        // ERROR: no braces for the block

    opt.ifPresent {
        return "present: $it"
    } // ERROR: orElse not on same line
    orElse {
        return "empty"

Providing alternatives if empty

In addition to the ifEmpty and ifPresent-orElse syntax, it's also possible to provide an alternative object if the Optional is empty: or. This function takes a lambda that provides an alternative Optional value, which may itself be empty. This operation works just like its java.util.Optional counterpart.

val optIsEmpty: Optional<String> = None

// optIsEmpty is empty, so the lambda replaces it
val optWithValue = optIsEmpty.or { Some("hello") }

// the lambda returns None so the result is still None
val optAlsoEmpty = optIsEmpty.or { None }

// optWithValue has a value, so the lambda is not executed
val optStillHasValue = optWithValue.or { throw MyException() }

Functional data manipulation

Kotlin offers several idioms for altering data in a chain while keeping container type safety. These operations are also available on Optional in highly optimized forms.

All these functional-programming style operations return an empty Optional if it was already empty to begin with. The behaviors described below only happen if the Optional was non-empty to start.

fun filterExample(opt: Optional<Foo>, something: Foo) {
    // returns "opt" itself if condition is true, None if false
    val filtered = opt.filter { it == something }

    // returns "opt" itself if condition is false, None if true
    val filteredNot = opt.filterNot { it == something }

    // returns Optional<Bar> if value is of type Bar, None if not
    val barTyped = opt.filterIsInstance<Bar>()

    // Kotlin's equivalent for bare reference, returning null if not
    val somethingTyped = something as? Bar

    // this is a no-op; if it's non-empty it's also nonnull
    val sameAsOpt = opt.filterNotNull()

// mapping operations, all the below return Optional<String>
fun transformExample(opt: Optional<Foo>, something: Foo) {
    // flatMap lets you change the contained type, or replace with None
    val asString = opt.flatMap { Some(it.toString()) }
    val mightBeNone = opt.flatMap { 
        if (it == something) Some(it.toString()) else None

    // map does the same with an unwrapped result, but requires non-null
    val asString2 = { it.toString() }

    // mapNotNull operates like flatMap, but takes an unwrapped result;
    // null results in returning None
    val mightBeNone2 = opt.mapNotNull {
        if (it == something) it.toString() else null

Several forms of the above exist in *To() forms, e.g. .mapNotNullTo(), which take a Collection as the first parameter, and return the Collection itself. These are frequently useful for filling collections with data based on conditions.

Extracting the contained data

Sometimes we need the data inside the Optional in a bare (possibly nullable) reference form. Multiple options are available.

fun extractExample(opt: Optional<Foo>, nullableFoo: Foo?, realFoo: Foo) {
    val foo = opt.let { it }      // type Foo?
    val foo2 = { this }   // type Foo?
    val fooref = opt.asReference  // type Foo?

    // Collection style extraction
    val foocoll = opt.singleOrNull() // type Foo?
    val foocollthrow = opt.single()  // type Foo, throws NoSuchElementException if empty

    // Java style extraction
    val fooelse = opt.orElse(nullableFoo)     // type Foo?
    val fooelse2 = opt.orElse(null)           // type Foo?
    val fooelse3 = opt.orElse(realFoo)        // type Foo?
    val fooelse4 = opt.orElseNotNull(realFoo) // type Foo (not null)
    val fooelse5 = opt.orElseThrow()          // type Foo, throws NoSuchElementException if empty
    val fooget = opt.get()                    // type Foo, throws NoSuchElementException if empty

    // Java style extraction with supplier lambda
    val foosup = opt.orElseGet { null }          // type Foo?
    val foosup2 = opt.orElseGet { realFoo }      // type Foo?
    val foosup3 = opt.orElseGetNotNull { Foo() } // type Foo (not null)

    // Java style with a custom exception supplier
    val fooexc = opt.orElseThrow { MyException("oops I'm empty!") } // type Foo

While it is possible to provide an implementation of orElse which detects null or non-null arguments and returns the proper type (see KT-39107 for a related issue), type inference cannot do the same for orElseGet right now. So instead, I chose to implement orElseNotNull and orElseGetNotNull method names. This may change in the future.

Development setup

This project is currently just an IntelliJ IDEA generated Gradle project for multiplatform Kotlin; it should get cleaned up in the future.

However, it already works on all Kotlin target platforms, and includes Java interoperability for the JVM target.


  • add KDoc documentaton
  • provide more robust sample code
  • document Java interop better
  • publish artifacts to repositories

Release History

  • 0.1
    • Initial rough draft version


Todd Vierling - also @tvierling -

Distributed under the BSD 2-clause license. See LICENSE for more information.


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Optional: High-performance implementation of null-safe containers for Kotlin








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