A DIY media manager project
Simple python/qml app for organizing movies/tv shows
Using json arrays for media lookup
Lighweight and Fast
Designed for HTPC 1920x1080 screens
This is a framework for your existing media
Create an account on https://www.themoviedb.org/
On TMDB create a media list one for movies, another for tv series of all the shows you have...
- Also not a watchlist, but a unique list for each type of media
- Make note of the lists ID's
Once finished with creating media lists
- API Docs https://developer.themoviedb.org/docs/getting-started
- Get a feel for the API, with your media titles
- Edit tmdb.py enter api credentials and lists id's
- Run tmdb.py to download media info to movies.json, tv.json
- Could be long download time, depending on amount of media you have...test first
- Includes title, overview, media poster, backdrop image, trailers.
- Linux, preferrably KDE Plasma distro
- Python 3, python3-pyqt5, python3-pyqt5.quick, PyQt5.QtCore, PyQt5.QtGui, PyQt5.QtQml, PyQt5.QtWidgets
- mpv, vlc or other media player
- Launch app with python3 blueboxx.py
- Now Showing Button displays 5 random movies
- Movies Button displays all movies with search ability, clicking movie poster will display additonal media info
- TV Button shows all TV series, clicking tv series poster will display additional tv series info
- Search by movie title
- Advanced Search by movie genre or movie decade
- ESC key will quit the app and any other popup dialogs
- Change locations for your json arrays, movie, tv and trailer locations in
- BlueBoxx.qml
- Within json array, media links are predefined as "media title - Trailer.mp4", "media title.mp4", change for your needs
- Based on Qt5, but should work with Qt6
- Why Blueboxx, cause Redbox provided most of the titles :)
- https://github.com/txhammer68/blueboxx