kubetop is a top(1)-like tool for Kubernetes.
$ kubetop
kubetop - 13:02:57 Node 0 CPU% 9.80 MEM% 57.97 ( 2 GiB/ 4 GiB) POD% 7.27 ( 8/110) Ready Node 1 CPU% 21.20 MEM% 59.36 ( 2 GiB/ 4 GiB) POD% 3.64 ( 4/110) Ready Node 2 CPU% 99.90 MEM% 58.11 ( 2 GiB/ 4 GiB) POD% 7.27 ( 8/110) Ready Pods: 20 total 0 running 0 terminating 0 pending POD (CONTAINER) %CPU MEM %MEM s4-infrastructure-3073578190-2k2vw 75.5 782.05 MiB 20.76 (subscription-converger) 72.7 459.11 MiB (grid-router) 2.7 98.07 MiB (web) 0.1 67.61 MiB (subscription-manager) 0.0 91.62 MiB (foolscap-log-gatherer) 0.0 21.98 MiB (flapp) 0.0 21.46 MiB (wormhole-relay) 0.0 22.19 MiB
To install the latest version of kubetop using pip:
$ pip install kubetop
kubetop uses pyunit-style tests. After installing the development dependencies, you can run the test suite with trial:
$ pip install kubetop[dev] $ trial kubetop
kubetop uses the CalVer versioning convention. The first three segments of a kubetop version tell you the year (two digit), month, and day that version was released. The fourth segment of a kubetop version is a bugfix release counter. It is present if a new release is made that diffs from a previous release only by including one or more bug fixes. For each bug fix release, the fourth segment is incremented.
txkube is open source software released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.