feat: Added a translation button to support translating the conversation content into the system language
feat: Added env api to and global env store
refactor: Refactoring file upload logic
refactor: Optimize PWA installation method
fix: Fixed the issue that the backend api did not correctly verify the access password
fix: Fixed the issue where the dialogue content might exceed the area
fix: Fixed the layout problem of assistant recommendation module
fix: Compatible with iPhone series phones with notch screen
build: Optimize Dockerfile configuration file
build: Optimize next.config.js configuration file
feat: 增加翻译按钮,支持将对话内容翻译成系统语言
feat: 增加 env api 到全局 env store
refactor: 重构文件上传逻辑
refactor: 优化 PWA 安装方式
fix: 修复后端 api 未正确验证访问密码的问题
fix: 修复对话内容可能超出区域的问题
fix: 修复助手推荐模块布局问题
fix: 兼容刘海屏 iPhone 系列手机
build: 优化 Dockerfile 配置文件
build: 优化 next.config.js 配置文件