Does your Discord Server suck? This bot makes it a whole better. We offer a suite of moderation tools to protect your server from trolls and goblins.
This Discord bot is targeted at Discord powerusers and moderators seeking ways to ease moderation and/or add some fun commands to the server. The main functionality of the bot is the suite of moderation tools which automate existing Discord functionality or add new tools entirely.
Additional documentation can be found at
Yarn, React, NodeJS, a Discord Account, and Discord itself.
NodeJS, DiscordJS, React.
Clone this repository (Branch: Master). Go to and create an application. This will provide a bot token you must place into a token.json file in the src directory. You will also need a Google API key which can be obtained from the following site:
The file must be formatted as follows:
{ "value":"Insert Token Here", "googleKey":"Insert Google API Key Here" }
You can then run this application with node index.js
in the src directory.
You can run the website with yarn start
in the dashboard directory.
Once the bot is live on your server you can use the following commands:
Commands | Author | Description |
?afk "reason" | Tanay | Set afk status so that Users are notified that you are afk when pinged. |
?purge integer | Tanay | Delete the specified amount of messages sent in the last two weeks |
?poll "question" "option1" "option2" etc. | Tanay | Create a multiple choice poll with provided options |
?poll "question" | Tanay | Create a binary poll |
?kick @user "reason" | Tanay | Kick a user for a provided reason |
?weather "cityName" | Tanay | Posts current and forecast of weather at specified City |
?rps | Tanay | Starts a rock paper scissors game with the bot |
?unban | Tanay | Allows the bot to unban a user if the moderator provides the discord UID of the user |
?filter "word" "word2" etc. | Max | Automatically delete messages that contain any filtered words sent after the filter is enabled |
?filter | Max | Disables the filter |
?jeopardy | Max | Starts a round of Jeopardy |
?jeopardy "rules" | Max | Display Jeopardy info and all other Jeopardy-specific commands |
?tempmute @user "time" | Patrick | Temporarily mutes a user for a specified amount of time |
?mute @user | Patrick | Mutes a specified user |
?unmute @user | Patrick | Unmutes a specified user |
?np | Patrick | Sends the songs currently playing in the voice channel |
?pause | Patrick | Pauses the current playing song in the voice channel |
?play "song query" | Patrick | Searchs youtube for the query and allows the user to pick from the top 10 results. Plays selection in the voice channel or adds to the queue |
?queue | Patrick | Returns the list of songs in the queue of songs to be played |
?resume | Patrick | Resumes the song if it was paused |
?volume | Patrick | Sets the volume of the song currently playing |
?clear | Patrick | Clears the queue of songs to be played |
?assign +RoleName | Ron | Users can add a role to their profile |
?assign -RoleName | Ron | Users can remove a role from their profile |
?joke | Ron | Tells the user a joke |
?hm "new" | Ron | Starts a new game of hangman |
?hm "<letter>" | Ron | Guess a letter in an open game of hangman |
?ban @user "reason" | Arjun | Ban a user for a provided reason |
?ban @user | Arjun | Ban a user for a default reason |
?twitter followUser "twitterHandle" | Arjun | Follows the specified user such that any future tweet will be posted to the discord server |
?twitter postTweet "tweet" | Arjun | Posts specified tweet to twitter. |
?twitter getLastTweet "twitterHandle | Arjun | Posts the last tweet by specified user to the discord server |
The filter command has no memory of previous arguments, so the only way to add words to the current filter is by calling it again with the same arguments plus the ones to be added.