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Assignment 1: Intro to Haskell (65 points)


The objective of this assignment is for you to gain some hands-on experience with Haskell. All the problems require relatively little code ranging from 2 to 15 lines. If any function requires more than that, you can be sure that you need to rethink your solution.

Note: Start Early Haskell, while simple, when you know how, may seem foreign at first, particularly when it comes to recursion and list manipulation.

Structure and Constraints

The assignment is in two files:

  1. src/Hw1.hs has skeleton functions with missing bodies that you will fill in,

  2. tests/Test.hs has some sample tests, and testing code that you will use to check your assignments before submitting.

You should only need to modify the parts of the files which say:

error "TBD: ..."

with suitable Haskell implementations.

However, if you're asked to fill in a function definition, such as:

f xs = error "TBD: ..."

you are also allowed to split this definition into multiple equations, like so:

f []     = ...
f (x:xs) = ...

You are allowed to use any library function on integers, but only the following three library functions on lists: length, (++) (append), (==) (is equal)

Assignment Testing and Evaluation

Your programs must compile and run on

Most of the points, will be awarded automatically, by evaluating your functions against a given test suite.

Tests.hs contains a very small suite of tests which gives you a flavor of of these tests. When you run

$ make

(preferred for


$ stack test

Your last lines should have

All N tests passed (...)
OVERALL SCORE = ... / ...


K out of N tests failed
OVERALL SCORE = ... / ...

If your output does not have one of the above your code will receive a zero

If for some problem, you cannot get the code to compile, leave it as is with the error ... with your partial solution enclosed below as a comment.

The other lines will give you a readout for each test. You are encouraged to try understanding the testing code, but you will not be graded on this.

Submission Instructions

To submit your code, just do:

$ make turnin

(a) 10 points

Fill in the implementation of

sumList :: [Int] -> Int
sumList xs = error "TBD:sumList"

that such that sumList xs returns the sum of the integer elements of xs. Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior at the prompt:

ghci> sumList [1, 2, 3, 4]

ghci> sumList [1, -2, 3, 5]

ghci> sumList [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]

(b) 10 points

Fill in the implementation of the function

digitsOfInt :: Int -> [Int]
digitsOfInt n = error "TBD:digitsOfInt"

such that digitsOfInt n

  • returns [] if n is not positive, and otherwise
  • returns the list of digits of n in the order in which they appear in n.

Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following:

ghci> digitsOfInt 3124
[3, 1, 2, 4]

ghci> digitsOfInt 352663
[3, 5, 2, 6, 6, 3]

(c) 10+10 points

Consider the process of taking a number, adding its digits, then adding the digits of the number derived from it, etc., until the remaining number has only one digit. The number of additions required to obtain a single digit from a number n is called the additive persistence of n, and the digit obtained is called the digital root of n.

For example, the sequence obtained from the starting number 9876 is 9876, 30, 3, so 9876 has an additive persistence of 2 and a digital root of 3.

Write two functions

additivePersistence :: Int -> Int
additivePersistence n = error "TBD:additivePersistence"

digitalRoot :: Int -> Int
digitalRoot n = error "TBD:digitalRoot"

that take positive integer arguments n and return respectively the additive persistence and the digital root of n. Once you have implemented the functions, you should get the following behavior at the prompt:

ghci> additivePersistence 9876

ghci> digitalRoot 9876

Problem 2: Palindromes

(a) 15 points

Implement a function:

listReverse :: [a] -> [a]
listReverse xs = error "TBD:listReverse"

such that listReverse [x1,x2,...,xn] returns the list [xn,...,x2,x1] i.e. the input list but with the values in reversed order. You should get the following behavior:

ghci> listReverse [1, 2, 3, 4]
[4, 3, 2, 1]

ghci> listReverse ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
["d", "c", "b", "a"]

(b) 10 points

A palindrome is a word that reads the same from left-to-right and right-to-left. Write a function

palindrome :: String -> Bool
palindrome w = error "TBD:palindrome"

such that palindrome w returns True if the string is a palindrome and False otherwise. You should get the following behavior:

ghci> palindrome "malayalam"
ghci> palindrome "myxomatosis"


Starter code for assignment 01-haskell







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