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@bilke bilke released this 28 Mar 10:17
· 1488 commits to master since this release

This release introduces a suite of enhancements and new features across various processes within OpenGeoSys.
Notably, the introduction of FCT numerical stabilization and optimization of the assembly process for HeatConduction, memory optimizations in LiquidFlow processes, and Newton implementation in the HeatTransportBHE implementation represent significant steps forward in improving the efficiency, stability, and flexibility of simulations.
Additionally, the ability to input total stress as initial conditions in HydroMechanics and ThermoRichardsMechanics offer users greater control of their models.
For the LIE mechanics and hydro-mechanics processes the strain and stress are now output as vectorial quantities, which should simplify post-processing.

For the future we also aim for more frequent releases (around every 3 months) and with this we discontinue the bugfix branches.

Process' changes

Component transport process / reactive transport process with coupling of Phreeqc

  • !4825 adds new numerical stabilization type "FCT" and apply it to the ComponentTransport process.
  • !4873 adds heat transport equation to enable non-isothermal component (HTC) process only in staggered way.


  • !4867 adds the options <linear> and <linear_solver_compute_only_upon_timestep_change> that accelerate the assembly to the T process. These options are already present for the ComponentTransport process.


  • !4956 add the Newton nonlinear iteration feature to HeatTransportBHE process.


  • !4915 Enables to input total stress as the initial stress.


  • !4861 Add volume ratio to output


  • !4851 For HM process, improved output such as added output for nodal values of the secondary variables, and vectorized the output of the element-wise averaged multi-component secondary variables.
  • !4904 For M process, vectorized the output of the multi-component secondary variables.

LiquidFlow process

  • !4962 Use shape matrix cache in LiquidFlow process to reduce memory consumption of local assemblers


  • !4929 Enables to input total stress as the initial stress.


  • !4908 Enables proper restart with material models such as PorosityFromMassBalance via the new setting <initialize_porosity_from_medium_property>.
  • !4923 Enables to input total stress as the initial stress.
  • !4942 Changes the flavour of TRM that uses the extended OGS-MFront interface such that this flavour uses the full stiffness matrix to compute solid compressibility instead of only the elastic tangent stiffness.

Constitutive relations (material models)

  • !4887 Linear elastic transverse isotropy model. Besides, this MR adds unit tests for LinearElasticOrthotropic too.


  • !4882 Local coordinate system containing implicit bases.


  • !4795 Class StaggeredCoupling.

Generic features

  • !4891 adds the possibility to read/write matrix-valued IP data (and extrapolated data thereof) for processes doing I/O via reflections (currently most notably TRM)

Python & Jupyter

  • !4866 All ruff issues fixed or silenced.


Bug fixes

  • !4863 [cmake] Fix MKL dependency installation. Fixes Windows binary downloads.


  • !4814 Refactor netCDF library finding and removed everything Conan-related.
  • !4839 Simplify PETSc finding. pkg-config is now required for finding PETSc via CMake.


  • !4858 [ci] Build container with netcdf (ogscm only, not in Guix container yet).
  • !4864 [ci] Docker Upgrade Ubuntu base image to 23.04 and gcc to 12.
  • !4898 Builds on can be traced back to their GitLab CI job by an additional notes file which is added to the cdash build.
  • !4945 [ci] Remove linux docker jobs: test coverage is already in the other jobs and moved docker jobs to native linux jobs.
  • !4961 Added some helper scripts for release automation.

File I/O

  • !4872 Enable long paths in executables on Windows.

Material Property Library (MPL)

  • !4808 OGS distinguishes now between liquid_phase_pressure and gas_phase_pressure. This is required to for certain MPL properties such that they can be used across different processes. HM, as a single-phase process, sets both pressures equal to allow for gas and liquid phase properties.

Version info

  • !4849 Minimum PETSc version 3.18.6
  • !4864 Docker Ubuntu base image is now 23.04 which has gcc 12