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  • Step 1 composer require uisits/blackboardintegration
  • Step 2 php artisan vendor:publish --tag=bbconfig
  • Step 3 Add Service Provider to your config/app.php
  • Step 4 Add Facades to your config/app.php
    'Blackboard' => uisits\blackboardintegration\Facades\Blackboard::class,
  • Step 5 Configure your config/bbconfig.php file Add the following env variables to this file
    BB_HOSTNAME = ''
    BB_KEY = 'xxxxxxxx' BB_SECRET = 'yyyyyyyy'
    BB_AUTH_PATH = '/learn/api/public/v1/oauth2/token'
    BB_DSK_PATH = '/learn/api/public/v1/dataSources'
    BB_TERM_PATH = '/learn/api/public/v1/terms'
    BB_COURSE_PATH = '/learn/api/public/v1/courses'
    BB_USER_PATH = '/learn/api/public/v1/users'

Usage: In your controller

  • use BlackBoard;
  •   $token = Blackboard::token_authorize();


    $classid = "123456";
    $token = (BlackBoard::token_authorize())->access_token;
    $courseid = (BlackBoard::getCourseIdbyCourseId($token, $classid))->id;
    $course = BlackBoard::readCourse($token, $courseid);

Available Methods:

  • token_authorize(): creates and returns the token object
  • createDatasource($access_token): Creates and returns a new datasource
  • readDatasource($access_token, $dsk_id): Gets and returns a datasource with id of $dsk_id
  • updateDatasource($access_token, $dsk_id): Updates and returns a datasource with id of $dsk_id
  • deleteDatasource($access_token, $dsk_id): Deletes datasource with id of $dsk_id and returns True or False depending on success
  • createTerm($access_token, $dsk_id): Creates and returns a new Blackboard Term on datasource with id of $dsk_id
  • readTerm($access_token, $term_id): Gets and returns a Term with an id of $term_id
  • updateTerm($access_token, $dsk_id, $term_id): Updates Term with a disk id of $dsk_id and term id of $term_id
  • deleteTerm($access_token, $term_id): Deletes Term with an id of $term_id
  • createCourse($access_token, $dsk_id, $term_id): Creates and returns a new course
  • readCourse($access_token, $course_id): Gets and returns a course with id of $course_id
  • getCourseIdbyCourseId($access_token, $course_id): Gets and returns the course that has the external id of $course_id
  • getCourseGradebookColumnIdbyExternalId($access_token, $course_id, $external_id): Gets and returns a gradebook column with the external id of $external_id from the course of $course_id
  • getCourseGradebookColumns($access_token, $course_id): Gets and returns a collection of all of the gradebook columns for a course with course id of $course_id
  • createCourseGradebookColumn($access_token, $name, $course_id): Creates and returns a gradebook column called $name for the course with an id of $course_id
  • getCourseGradebookColumnGrade($access_token, $course_id, $column_id, $user_id): Gets and returns the grade object for the student of $user_id in the gradebook column with id of $column_id in the course with $course_id
  • updateCourseGradebookColumnGrade($access_token, $course_id, $user_id, $column_id, $score): Updates and returns a grade with a value of $score for the student of $user_id in the gradebook column with id of $column_id in the course with $course_id
  • updateCourse($access_token, $dsk_id, $course_id, $course_uuid, $course_created, $termId): Updates Course values of $dsk_id, $course_uuid, $course_created, and $termId where the course id is $course_id
  • deleteCourse($access_token, $course_id): Deletes Course with an id of $course_id and returns True or False depending on success
  • createUser($access_token, $dsk_id): Creates and returns a user created on the datasource with id of $dsk_id
  • readUser($access_token, $user_id): Gets and returns a user with an id of $user_id
  • readUserCourses($access_token, $user_id): Gets and returns a collection of courses associated with the user with an id of $user_id
  • getUserIdbyNetid($access_token, $user_id): Gets and returns the user object that has a netid of $user_id
  • updateUser($access_token, $dsk_id, $user_id, $user_uuid, $user_created): Updates and returns a user with the values of $dsk_id, $user_uuid, and $user_created for a user with an id of $user_id
  • deleteUser($access_token, $user_id): Deletes a user with an id of $user_id and returns True or False depending on success
  • createMembership($access_token, $dsk_id, $course_id, $user_id): Creates and returns a membership for a user with id of $user_id in course with an id of $course_id
  • readMembership($access_token, $course_id, $user_id): Gets and returns a membership for a user with id of $user_id for the course with $course_id
  • updateMembership($access_token, $dsk_id, $course_id, $user_id, $membership_created): Updates and returns a membership with values of $membership_created and $dsk_id for user with $user_id in course with $course_id
  • deleteMembership($access_token, $course_id, $user_id): Deletes a membership for a user with $user_id and course with $course_id and returns True or False depending on success

Resources: Blackboard API:


Package for blackboard integration






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