If you want to do revision of GRE Vocabulary then this repo is best for you.
Each and every words are attached with group, basically antonyms and synonyms.
Clone the project
git clone git@github.com:ujjawalpoudel/jamboreeGREwordList.git
Go to the project directory
cd jamboreeGREwordList
Run Proejct
python vocab.py
Please Enter Number
1: Serial Revision
2: Random Revision
3: Serial Revision With Practise
4: Random Revision With Practice
5: List Group Name Revision
6: Revision Words Only
7: Random Revision(With Out Time Stamp)
8: Find Group Using Word
After run project, you need to select number accordint to your revision plan.
├── README.md
├── vocab.py
└── word_list
├── __init__.py
├── list10.py
├── list11.py
├── list12.py
├── list13.py
├── list14.py
├── list1.py
├── list2.py
├── list3.py
├── list4.py
├── list5.py
├── list6.py
├── list7.py
├── list8.py
├── list9.py
Computer Engineer | Python Programmer | AI, Machine Learning & Data Science Enthusiast