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poppulo project

Overview of solution

The hello-world web app consists of an index.jsp file that will be served by a docker container running Tomcat. The container itself will be running on a EC2 AWS instance that has Docker installed and runnnig as a daemon. index.jsp file can be found in /roles/build_app/files/hello/index.jsp on this repo

This jumpbox has been setup with the following:

  • Ansible 2.9 installed
  • Nessesary python modules installed e.g boto3
  • Key-pair nessesary to do a git clone from ( ~/.ssh/id_rsa )
  • Key-pair nessesary to upload the public key to AWS used to ssh into our new EC2 instance ( ~/.ssh/pop-webapp )

Deploy Steps

  1. ssh to jumpbox ( IP Address is ) which acts as an ansible control node. The pop.pem key file will be attached in the email which will be used to log into this server. Make sure to do a chmod 0600 pop.pem for it to work if using a terminal or cli

ssh -i pop.pem ec2-user@

  1. Once logged onto the jumpbox, as the ec2-user do a git clone of my repo in the ec2-user home directory.

git clone

  1. Now we have you the repo cloned, we can now call Ansible playbooks to create our nessesary platform.

ansible-playbook -i ~/poppulo/ansible/hosts ~/poppulo/ansible/deploy.yml --vault-password-file ~/poppulo/ansible/group_vars/all/.vaultpass

The following tasks done here are:

  • Upload a public key to AWS (this will be used to log into our new instance)
  • Create a new AWS Security Group with nessesary rules needed to ssh to the server and serve http requests
  • Create our new AWS EC2 instance based on a RHEL 7 image
  • Write the new Public IP address of the new AWS EC2 instance to a hosts file (this will be used by the follwing playbook to ssh to his new instance and run some plays)
  • Wait a period of time to make sure the SSH service of our new AWS Instance is up and running
  • Finally, we build our webapp by taking the index.jsp file and creating a Java WAR file which will be imported to our Tomcat Docker image
  1. The final step is to deploy the application to the newly created ec2 aws instance.

ansible-playbook -i ~/poppulo/ansible/hosts ~/poppulo/ansible/install.yml --vault-password-file ~/poppulo/ansible/group_vars/all/.vaultpass

The following tasks done here are:

  • Enable the nessesary repos to install the docker rpm
  • Install and Start Docker
  • Copy over the newly built WAR and the Dockerfile
  • Build our new Docker Image (we use a Tomcat Docker Image from
  • Run our new Image as a Docker container listening on host port 80
  1. Test that one can connect to the new web app and it serves you the correct page
  • First you need the public IP, which can be found on the jumpbox under:

    cat ~/poppulo/ansible/hosts

    The public IP of the EC2 instance will be under the [aws_poppulo_webapp] ansible group

  • Use the Public IP address and get your browser to point to it

    http://< Public_IP_of_Instance >/hello

  • Alternatively, you can use a linux tools like curl or elinks ( these are installed on the jumpbox already for your convenience ).

curl http://< Public_IP_of_Instance >/hello/

elinks http://< Public_IP_of_Instance >/hello

Note the trailing / in the curl command, with this trailing / tomcat returns a 302 redirection message

  • Lastly, you can connect to the Docker container itself and view the tomcat logs

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/pop-webapp < Public_IP_of_Instance >

    sudo docker ps ( This will output the Container ID )

    sudo docker exec -it < docker_container_id > /bin/bash

    cat logs/localhost_access_log*


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