Reformat Phone Numbers
import { reformatTel, reformatOnBlur, reformatTelHref } from '@ulises-codes/helper-functions'
// Reformats a US phone number string to (xxx) xxx-xxxx
// Reformats US phone number string on blur
// Reformats phone to <a> tag href format
Convert color string from hex to rgba
import { hexToRGBA } from '@ulises-codes/helper-functions'
const rgbaColor = hexToRGBA(hexColor, opacity)
Create a Random String
import { createRandomString } from '@ulises-codes/helper-functions'
// Pass in the desired string length (default: 16)
const randomString = createRandomString(12)
Dedupe String Characters
import { dedupeString } from '@ulises-codes/helper-functions'
const dedupedString = dedupeString('astringWithCharacters')