LDAP vManager is a Web Based Management tool created for LDAP and SAMBA domain controller with PHP
The LDAP vManager provides a web based LDAP and SAMBA administration system to allow Unix/Linux administrators to easily manage users and groups of LDAP and SAMBA.
Postfix vManager was written in PHP, It requires PHP 4 and above, Aapache LDAP and SAMBA 4
- Features ===========
Standard and enhanced features of LDAP vManager includes:
- Super admin user level with full access.
- Indivisual user access for changing information and password.
- Multiple attributes options.
- Two Factor Authentication with YubiKey.
- Samba user management.
- Screenshots ==============
Here is some screenshots of LDAP vManager.
- Login Page
- Users List
- New Group
- Groups List
- How to Install =================
Ubuntu: https://github.com/umardraz/LDAP-VManager/blob/master/LDAP-vManager-Ubuntu.rst
For any bug Report or suggesions: Please email me umar_draz@yahoo.com