Meanmap is an interactive map for Mean Stack Developers all over the world. The mean stack has become one of the biggest communities of fans, contributors and backers worldwide. It provides an avenue where a mean stack developer can easily identify another developer in his local environment especially where there is no local meetup group.
- Clone this repository:
git clone meanmap/
into the meanmap folder and run the following commands:- Run
npm install
- Run
nodemon server.js
- Run
- Open your chrome browser and see the application on
Thank you for considering contributing to Meanmap! The contribution guide is as follows:
[Meanmap][#Feat] Short Description of the Feature
[Meanmap][#Fix] Short Description of the Fix to a bug on the app
If you discover a security vulnerability within Meanmap, please send an e-mail to Prosper Otemuyiwa at All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
Meanmap is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license