memoryJS is a dependecy free, ES6 compliant JS library that implements the concept of pointers in JavaScript. And, oh yeah! It's tiny.
memory.js - 2.5kb (standard)
memory.min.js - 1.2kb (minified)
memory.secret.min.js - 2.4kb (obfuscated)
Preliminary work is done. Testing in progress. Feature Requests, Bug Reports & Contributions are welcomed. Node Package Coming Soon
Browser :
<script src="memory.js"></script>
<!-- or, use the minified version -->
<script src="memory.min.js"></script>
<!-- or, you can use a obfuscated version too -->
<script src="memory.secret.min.js"></script>
var ptr = memoryJS.publicMemoryObj.newobj(55); // this method returns a pointer object
console.log(ptr.pointedTo()); // output : 55
console.log(ptr.point); // output : 55
console.log(memoryJS.publicMemoryObj.valueOf(ptr.value())); // output : 55
// or
ptr.point = 96;
// or
memoryJS.publicMemoryObj.changeValue(ptr.value(), 96);; // returns null object
// or; // returns zero
var newptr = new Pointer("05f9"); // where 05f9 is the memory address (i.e value of the pointer)
console.log(memoryJS.publicMemoryObj); // try yourself. it will not display any of the contents. Will only print the available methods.
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