This specialized TextView can process markdown features introduced by a set of regular expression match and replace strategies. The two strategies are:
- Match and replace on match.
- Match and postpone replace with a unique replacement token at the end of set.
Regular expression replacements are defined in a common interface which allow translations from mark down rules to android.text.Spanned. This must be done with a good understanding of when matches are replaced, what the string becomes after a match and how following regex expressions will be effected by previous regex expressions.
There is also a bit of fiddly behavior in some of the background rendering calculation. I think a lot can be removed or redone to more clearly describe how xml-based drawables are getting placed in relation to the provided horizontal/vertical units. Or begin introducing more customizable dimen measurement attributes. Ideally implement a good way to make measurements relative to the current line height to keep configuration simple.
Add Jitpack to your project build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Then add this dependency to your module build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.untoldhq:android.markdowntextview:latest-release'
You should now have studio.untold.MarkdownTextView
available to use in your module.
tools:text="Hello World!" />
val view = findViewById<MarkdownTextView>(
val string = "~strike *bold /italic _underline_/*~"
view.setMarkdownTextAsync(uniqueIdForCache, string)
val current = view.currentMarkdownText // this == string
<style name="SampleMarkdownTheme" parent="MarkdownTextView">
<item name="markdownHorizontalPadding">@dimen/horizontal</item>
<item name="markdownHVerticalPadding">@dimen/vertical</item>
<item name="colorInlineCodeText">@color/colorAccent</item>
<item name="colorBlockquoteText">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
<item name="bgTextDrawable">@drawable/bg</item>
<item name="bgTextDrawableLeft">@drawable/bg_left</item>
<item name="bgTextDrawableMid">@drawable/bg_mid</item>
<item name="bgTextDrawableRight">@drawable/bg_right</item>
<item name="android:lineSpacingMultiplier">1.2</item>