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A minimal slide-up panel built for ReactLive previewDocumentation

Key FeaturesHow To UseAPI PreferencesLicense


Key Features

  • Simple to Use: A clean and easy-to-understand API that gets you up and running in no time.
  • Effortless Animations: It comes with transitions for opening, closing, and switching children.
  • Built for Speed: Lightweight and optimized for great performance, even on slower devices.

How To Use

Install Sweep using npm:

npm install @aiko-lab/sweep@latest

Wrap your App with a SweepWrapper

import { SweepWrapper } from "@aiko-lab/sweep";

export default function App({children}) {
  return (

Pass a backgroundColor and foregroundColor to the SweepWrapper component or through a ClassName.

  backgroundColor="hsl(0, 0%, 0%)"
  foregroundColor="hsl(0, 0%, 10%)"

Use the hook to open Sweep.

import { useSweep } from "@aiko-lab/sweep";

// Call the custom hook:
const sweep = useSweep();

// Call the open() method and pass the content as JSX:<Component key={1}/>)

// And don't forget to add a custom key for each component!

API preferences


The SweepWrapper usually wraps the application.


import { SweepWrapper } from "@aiko-lab/sweep";


  foregroundColor="hsl(0, 0%, 0%)"
  backgroundColor="hsl(0, 0%, 10%)"


Prop Type Required Description
children ReactNode true In short, your App.
foregroundColor String false Your App's background color.
backgroundColor String false The slide-up panel's background color.
foregroundClassName String false In case you are using tailwindCSS you could pass the background color (App) as a className.
example: bg-indigo-600
fbackgroundClassName String false In case you are using tailwindCSS you could pass the background color (Panel) as a className.
example: bg-indigo-900


The custom hook provided by Sweep..


import { useSweep } from "@aiko-lab/sweep";


const sweep = useSweep({
    blur: false,
    disableTouchEvents: false,
    blockBodyClick: false,
    clickBodyToClose: false,
    borderRadius: 20,
  }, {
    onToggle: (state) => {
    onSwitch: (oldChildren, newChildren) => {
      console.log(oldChildren, newChildren);

...<Component key={2} />);




Method Parameters Description
open(element) element : JSX or React component to display. Opens the sweep panel and displays the content.
close() None Closes the sweep panel.
Prop Type Default Description
config blur boolean false Adding a 10px of blur to every animation.
disableTouchEvents Boolean false Disable all gestures and touch-based interactions.
blockBodyClick Boolean false Block clicks on the body when Sweep panel is open.
clickBodyToClose Boolean false Clicking outside on the body closes the panel
borderRadius Number 20 The border radius size (px) of the body when the panel is open.
Prop Parameters Description
callbacks onToggle(state) element : Indicates whether the panel is open or closed. Triggered whenever the sweep panel's open/close.
onSwitch(old,new) old : The content of the panel before the switch.
new : The new content that is about to replace the old content in the panel
Triggered when the content inside the sweep panel switches while it is open.

Note: if you call the open() method while sweep is already open, it will automatically animate between the two as long as they are different (they have different keys).

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MIT  ·  Twitter @username_aiko


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