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Customizing DyJest Editor Schema Datatype Definitions
The JSON schema editor uses the d3.js library tree object (d3.tree d3-jhierarcy) as root object. The tree object requires a specific json format for incoming data to build the visual graphic tree. Additional properties are defined that control the behavior of the editor elements. Using the subschema definition, a complex metadata schema can be divided into a number of subschemas (which are separate screens or pages of edit display) to simplify the editing process.
Using the d3 json format, the schema definition provide here is an extension of the format, providing for additional instructions need for editing functions. This is intended as a toolset that can be easily modified to support a wide variety of json meta data formats.
The following defines the set of attributes that can be specified in the json schema for d3 tree representation.
name - Node name (required) children - array (required for children nodes)
datatype - determines how the UI will treat the node, with the following datatypes:
- array – children are array elements – UI allows adding child objects
- bbox - allows spatial extent selection with MapBox widget, requires coordinate children in CKAN md_package format
- date – UI provides a simple jquery datepicker for date selection
- dictlist – UI provides a picklist as defined in jsonDictionary.json
- guid - guid type allows new guid creation, if it exists it cant be edited
- object - allows replication of children. If child object already exists it cant be created
- string - standard text object
- textarea - dynamic sized text area
- typeahead - allows typeahead based on jsonDictionary.json list
- dicturl – url of api for dictionary and typeahead lookups
- dictparams – json object to pass to api to qualify/filter search that can be based On the value of other nodes.
- dictChildren – A list of dependent of nodes used for lists and type aheads that are impacted if the current node is operated on.
- subschema – use the ref value to define a new schema and root point, providing a new view for current data set.
display - Alternate display name for field for improved readability.
package_ref - Mapping for md_package values to CKAN package dateset. Currently single value, will be a an object so multiple values can be specified. This allows the saves from the md_package edits to the CKAN package.
ref - The path relative to root for the field for both read and write. Defeault is md_package. Example - "metadataProperties.metadataContact.relatedAgent.agentRole.contactEmail" If the reference is to an Array “itemNode[]”, then the source will iterate and build an object for each array item.
required - indicates if field is required per metadata specification. true or false. This affects how connecting links are displayed for the element
root - alternate schema root - should only be placed on root object
rootType - type of root element, array or object.
rootKey - if array or object, key lookup of require root element..
value - data value, schema can contain a default value, populated when data is loaded
viewstate - collapse or expand for default behavior when opening.
hidden – Boolean.
Xoffset, yoffset – allows customization of node positions in the tree layout to improve the look and feel of a schema.