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Version 3.8.0-16920

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@scharlton2 scharlton2 released this 11 Jul 23:06
· 116 commits to master since this release
Version 3.8.0: July 11, 2024
	July 11, 2024
	PHREEQC: Fixed a bug in the DUMP routines. Under some circumstances
	erroneous output was dumped for a user number.  In most cases, the
	correct output was dumped following the erroneous output, which
	caused the erroneous output to be ignored.

	May 18, 2024
	sit.dat was updated to version 12a (Aug 22, 2023) from

	Amm.dat, iso.dat, llnl.dat, minteq.dat, minteq.v4.dat, phreeqc.dat, 
	phreeqc_rates.dat, pitzer.dat. Tipping_Hurley.dat, and wateq4f.dat were 
	reformatted by using the lsp utility by David Kinniburgh from

	May 3, 2024
	PHREEQC: The -dw identifier of SOLUTION_SPECIES now has up to 7 items.
	-dw Dw(25C) dw_T a a2 visc a3 a_v_dif  
	Dw(25C)--Tracer diffusion coefficient for the species at 25 °C, m 2 /s. 
	dw_T--Temperature dependence for diffusion coefficient.
	a--Debye-Hückel ion size.
	Visc--Viscosity exponent.
	a3--Ionic strength exponent.
	A_v_dif--Exponent for (viscosity_0/viscosity).
	The diffusion coefficient is calculated as follows:
	Dw = Dw(25C) * exp(dw_T / T - dw_T / 298.15)
	ka = DH_B * a2 * I0.5/ (1 + a3)
	av = (viscos_0/viscos)a_v_diff
	ff = av * exp(-a * DH_A * z * I0.5 / (1 + ka))
	Dw = Dw * ff
	Where T is temperature in Kelvin, DH_B is the Debye-Hückel B parameter, 
	I is ionic strength, viscos_0 is the viscosity of pure water at T, viscos is 
	the viscosity of the solution at T, DH_A is the Debye-Hückel A parameter,
	and z is the charge on the species,the viscosity of the solution. 
	See Robinson and Stokes, 2002, Chpt 11 for examples. 
	The Dw and a_v_dif can be set in a USER_ program with 
	setdiff_c("name", Dw, a_v_dif), for example: 
	  10 print setdiff_c("H+", 9.31e-9, 1). 
	The diffusion coefficient of H+ is handled differently with 
	Falkenhagen equations. 

	May 3, 2024
    PHREEQC: The ionic strength correction is for electromigration calculations 
	(Appelo, 2017, CCR 101, 102). The correction is applied when the 6th parameter
	option is set to true for -multi_D in TRANSPORT:
	-multi_d true/false 1e-9 0.3 0.05 1.0 true/false # multicomponent diffusion
	true/false, multicomponent diffusion is used,
	default tracer diffusion coefficient (used in case -dw is not defined for a species), 
	porosity (por = 0.3), 
	limiting porosity (0.05) below which diffusion stops, 
	exponent n (1.0) used in calculating the effect of tortuosity on the 
	porewater diffusion coefficient	Dp = Dw * por^n, 
	true/false: correct Dw for ionic strength (false by default). 
	May 3, 2024
	Database: Added new database phreeqc_rates.dat. The database augments
	phreeqc.dat with rate parameters from Palandri and Kharaka (2004),
	Sverdrup, Oelkers, Lampa, Belyazid, Kurz, and Akselsson (2019) (only 
	Albite and quartz), and Hermanska, Voigt, Marieni, Declercq, 
    and Oelkers (2023). Parameters are defined in data blocks
	All minerals with rate parameters have been added in a PHASES
	data block. Example RATES definitions using the different RATE_PARAMETERS_
	parameters are provided for Albite and Quartz. 

	April 27, 2024
	Databases: Added new keyword data block MEAN_GAMMAS. Each line 
	of the data block defines how to calculate the mean activity
	coefficient for a salt with a series of pairs of 
	aqueous species and stoichiometric coefficient. Phreeqc.dat, 
	Amm.dat, pitzer.dat, and phreeqc_rates.dat have this data block.
	MgCl2  Mg+2 1 Cl 2
	A new Basic function MEANG will calculate mean activity coefficients
	for salts listed in the MEAN_GAMMAS data block.
	10 g_MgCl2 = MEANG("MgCl2")
	April 27, 2024
#               Acid                       Neutral           Base
#               log K    E        n(H+)    log K    E        log K    E        n(OH-)
#               ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ========
Quartz          -30      0        0        -13.4    90.9     -30      0        0        # Table 4
#               Acid                       Neutral           P_CO2
#               log K    E        n(H+)    log K    E        log K    E        n(P_CO2) Table
#               ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ========
calcite         -0.3     14.4     1        -5.81    23.5     -3.48    35.4     1        33       # specify Table number for P_CO2^n(P_CO2)
#               Acid and Fe+3                       Neutral and O2             Base
#               log K    E        n(H+)    n(Fe+3)  log K    E        n(O2)    log K    E        n(OH-)   Table
#               ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ========
pyrite          -7.52    56.9    -0.5      0.5      -4.55    56.9     0.5      -30      0        0        35       # specify Table number for Fe+3 and O2

	Three rate equations from Palandri and Kharaka (2004) can be entered. Most minerals use
	use the first form above with 8 parameters. Table 33 has a term for CO2 as in 
	the calcite example above; parameters from table 33 are identified with a 33 in the 9th
	field following 8 parameters. Table 35 has additional terms and data from this table
	is identified with 35 in field 11 following 10 rate parameters. The rates for the 
	the minerals listed in the data block can be calculated with the Basic function RATE_PK.
	The calculated rate does not include factors for surface area or affinity.
	10 rate = RATE_PK("Calcite")
#        Table 4: E's                    Table 3: H+-reaction                H2O-reaction                        CO2-reaction    Organic_acids        OH--reaction                                Table 5
#        H+     H2O    CO2    Org_acids OH-    pkH    nH     yAl    CAl    xBC    CBC    pkH2O  yAl    CAl    xBC    CBC    zSi    CSi    pkCO2  nCO2   pkOrg  nOrg   COrg  pkOH-  wOH-   yAl    CAl    xBC    CBC    zSi    CSi    #      Num    Mineral Formula
#        ====== ====== ====== ========= ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ===== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======= ======
Albite   3350    2500  1680   1200      3100   14.6   0.5    0.4    0.4    0.4    0.5    16.8   0.15   4      0.15   200    3      900    16.05  0.6    14.7   0.5    5     15.4   0.3    0.1    12     0.5    5      3      900    #      1.6    Albite  NaAlSi3O8

	Rate parameters from Sverdrup, Oelkers, Lampa, Belyazid, Kurz, and Akselsson (2019)
	can be specified with the RATE_PARAMETERS_SVD data block. A total of 31 parameters 
	are entered for each mineral. The rates for minerals minerals listed in the data 
	block can be calculated with the Basic function RATE_SVD. The calculated rate does 
	not include factors for surface area or affinity.
	10 rate = RATE_SVD("Albite")
#               Acid mechanism                       Neutral mechanism           Basic mechanism
#               logk25   Aa       Eaa      n(H+)     logk25   Ab        Eab      logk25   Ac        Eac      n(OH)    #    Formula
#               ======== ========= ======== ======== ======== ========= ======== ======== ========= ======== ======== =========================================
# Amphiboles
Anthophyllite   -12.4    5.70E-04  52       0.4      -13.7    5.00E-06  48       0        0         0        0

	Rate parameters from Hermanska, Voigt, Marieni, Declercq, and Oelkers (2023) can 
	be specified with the RATE_PARAMETERS_HERMANSKA data block. A total of 11 parameters 
	are entered for each mineral. The rates for minerals listed in the data block can 
	be calculated with the Basic function RATE_HERMANSKA. The calculated rate does not 
	include factors for surface area or affinity.
	10 rate = RATE_HERMANSKA("Anthophyllite")

	April 21, 2024
	PHREEQC: Added Basic functions GET$ and PUT$. They are are the same as
	GET and PUT, except the first argument for PUT$ is a character string, 
	and GET$ returns a character string. You may use one or more indices as
	needed to identify the value that is saved (PUT$) or retrieved (GET$).
	PUT$("MgCl2", 1, 1, 1)
	x$ = GET$(1, 1, 1)

	April 19, 2024
	DATABASE: Kinec.v2.dat is a new llnl.dat style database from the 
	CarbFix2 and GECO projects that is included in new distributions of 
	PHREEQC. This database contains the parameters for calculating mineral 
	dissolution rates for primary and secondary silicate minerals using the 
	equations and parameters reported by Hermanska et al. (2022, 2023)  
	and dissolution rates for other non-silicate mineral systems using the 
	equations and parameters reported by Oelkers and Addassi (2024, in 

	April 15, 2024
	PHREEQC: Fixed a memory error with iso.dat because it uses H3O+ instead of 
	H+. The SC variable was uninitialized in that situation.
	DATABASES: Amm.dat, phreeqc.dat, and pitzer.dat were updated with 
	revisions to viscosity and specific conductance.
	PhreeqcRM and IPhreeqc: Fixed bug with the temperature grid for llnl. Some 
	internal testing and list generators used the default temperature of 25C, 
	which caused an error if the temperature grid did not span 25C.
	March 25, 2024
	DATABASES phreeqc.dat, Amm.dat, and pitzer.dat: The calculation of the 
	specific conductance can now be done with a Debye-Hückel-Onsager equation 
	that has both the electrophoretic and the relaxation term. (The standard 
	phreeqc calculation uses a simple electrophoretic term only.) For 
	individual ions, the equation can be multiplied with the viscosity ratio of 
	the solvent and the solution, and the ion-size a in the Debye-Hückel term 
	kappa_a can be made a function of the apparent molar volume of the ion. The 
	options are described and used in the databases. The additions extend the 
	applicability of the DHO equation to concentrations in the molar range, 
	reducing AARD (average of the absolute relative deviations) for SC and 
	transference numbers to less than 1% in many cases. For high KHCO3 
	concentrations, the SCs indicate the presence of a KHCO3 complex that was 
	added to phreeqc.dat and Amm.dat. The AARD's are 0.18 % for NaCl, 0.48 % 
	for KCl, 0.51 % for MgCl2 and 0.89 % for CaCl2. More example files are 
	available at  
	PHREEQC Bug-fix: Option -density c[alculate] in SOLUTION_SPREAD was 
	corrected to give the iterated density of the solutions. 
	PHREEQC: A new option has been added. The viscosity of the EDL 
	layer on SURFACE(s) can now be calculated and will then be used to 
	modify the diffusion coefficients. It is set by adding c(alculate) 
	after viscosity, for example, "-donnan 1e-8 viscosity calc". 
	PHREEQC Bug-fix: Viscosity of the EDL layer on SURFACE(s), defined with, for 
	example, "-donnan 1e-8 viscosity 3", was omitted in Version 3.4.2. It is 
	now re-introduced in the calculations. 
	PHREEQC Bug-fix: Basic now returns the contributions to the specific conductance 
	(t_sc("H+")) and the viscosity (f_visc("H+")) only when the species is present 
	in the solution. In previous versions a dummy value was returned when the 
	species was predefined, but absent in the actual solution calculation. 
	PHREEQC Bug-fix: Limits for fugacity coefficients were set to be 0.01 < phi < 85 in 
	Peng-Robinson calculations. The limits were removed in version 3.7 (when calculating 
	H2S(g) solubilities). However, without the limits, all water turned into H2O(g) in some 
	cases and calculations failed. 
	November 15, 2023
	PHREEQC programs: Fixed a couple malloc checks, some compiler warnings, and removed
	some deprecated calls to strcpy and strcat.
	November 5, 2023
	PHREEQC programs: Automatic testing was expanded to include MPI and additional compilers.

	November 1, 2023
	PHREEQC: Logical statement in k_temp was modified to work with Intel optimization.
	The statement at the beginning of the routine was not handled correctly when some 
	values were NaN. 

	August 29, 2023
	PhreeqcRM: Fixed bug in memory allocation for selected output. One array accumulated lines 
	indefinitely, leading to ever increasing memory use. Memory use should now be relatively
	constant once all selected output has been defined and used. 

	June 1, 2023
	PhreeqcRM: Finalizing a Python version of PhreeqcRM that includes the BMI capabilities.
	Methods are documented in Python style and two test cases are available, one
	of which uses every Python method that is available. 

	May 22, 2023
	PhreeqcRM: Revised all F90 methods that return arrays to use allocatable arrays,
	so that, getter arrays are automatically dimensioned to the correct sizes
	May 22, 2023
	PHREEQC: (See for html version of changes.)
	Added Basic function f_visc("H+") that returns the fractional contribution of a species to 
	viscosity of the solution when parameters are defined for the species with -viscosity. 
	Actually, it gives the contribution of the species to the B and D terms in the Jones-Dole 
	eqution, assuming that the A term is small. The fractional contribution can be negative, for 
	example f_visc("K+") is usually less than zero.
	Bug-fix: When -Vm parameters of SOLUTION_SPECIES were read after -viscosity parameters, the 
	first viscosity parameter was set to 0.

	Defined -analytical_expression and -gamma for Na2SO4, K2SO4 and MgSO4 and Mg(SO4)2-2 species in 
	phreeqc.dat and Amm.dat, fitting the activities from pitzer.dat from 0-200 °C, and the solubilities of 
	mirabilite/thenardite (Na2SO4), arcanite (K2SO4), and epsomite, hexahydrite, kieserite (MgSO4 
	and new species Mg(SO4)2-2). The parameters for calculating the apparent volume (-Vm) and the 
	diffusion coefficients (-Dw) of the species were adapted using measured data of density and 
	conductance (SC). Example files are available at

	Removed the NaCO3- species in PHREEQC.dat since it is not necessary for the calculation of 
	the specific conductance (SC) and its origin is unknown. 
	Defined parameters in the -analytical_expression, -gamma, -dw, -Vm and -viscosity for 
	the NaHCO3 species in phreeqc.dat and Amm.dat, using the data in Appelo, 2015, Appl. Geochem. 
	55, 62-71. (These data were used for defining interaction parameters in 
	pitzer.dat.) The parameters for the apparent volume (-Vm), the 	diffusion 
	coefficient (-Dw) and the viscosity of CO3-2 and HCO3- were adapted using measured 	
	data of density, conductance and viscosity of binary solutions.

	The viscosity of the solution at P, T is now calculated and printed in the output file, and can 
	be retrieved in Basic programs with the function viscos (in previous versions, viscos returned 
	the viscosity of pure water at P, T).

	The calculation uses a modified Jones-Dole equation which sums the contributions of individual 

		eta / eta0 = 1 + A sqrt(0.5 sum(zi*mi)) + sum fan (Bi*mi + Di*mi*ni),
	where eta is the viscosity of the solution (mPa s), eta0 is viscosity of pure water at the 
	temperature and pressure of the solution, mi is the molality of species i, made dimensionless 
	by dividing by 1 molal, and zi is the absolute charge number. A is derived from Debye-Hückel 
	theory, and fan, B, D and n are coefficients that incorporate volume, ionic strength and 
	temperature effects. 
	The coefficients are:

		B = b0 + b1 exp(-b2 tC)
	where b0, b1, and b2 are coefficients, and tC is the temperature in °C. The temperature is 
	limited to 200 °C.

		fan = (2 - tan * Van / VCl-)
	for anions, with tan a coefficient and Van the P, T and I dependent, apparent volume of the 
	anion relative to the one of Cl-, which is used as reference species. For cations, fan = 1 
	and tan need not be defined.

		D = d1 exp(-d2 tC)
	where d1 and d2 are coefficients.

		n = ((1 + fI)^d3 + ((zi^2 + zi) / 2 * mi)^d3 / (2 + fI)
	where fI averages ionic strength effects and d3 is a coefficient.
	The coefficients are fitted on measured viscosities of binary solutions and entered 
	with item -viscosity under keyword SOLUTION_SPECIES, for example for H+:

		  H+ = H+
		  -viscosity 9.35e-2 -8.31e-2 2.487e-2 4.49e-4 2.01e-2 1.570    0
		  #           b0       b1       b2      d1       d2      d3     tan
	When the solute concentrations are seawater-like or higher, the viscosity is different 
	from pure water (see figure at). To obtain a valid model for natural waters with phreeqc.dat, 
	the complexes of SO42- with the major cations were redefined, as noted above.
	The A parameter in the Jones-Dole equation needs temperature dependent diffusion coefficients 
	of the species, and therefore the parameters for calculating the I and T dependency of the 
	diffusion coefficients (-dw parameters of SOLUTION_SPECIES) were refitted for SO42- and CO32- 
	species. Example files are available at

	Implicit calculations with option -fix_current will now account for changing concentrations in 
	the boundary solutions of the column.

	Activated the print of statements defined in USER_PRINT when the initial EXCHANGE, SURFACE and 
	GAS_PHASE are calculated.

	Changed the dw_t parameter for CO3-2 to 30 (was 0) and for HCO3- to -150 (was 0) to better fit 
	McCleskey's data

	Bug fix: removed the factor (TK / 298.15) from the calculation of the temperature dependence of 
	the diffusion coefficient. For an example, see the calculation of Dw(TK) of H+ in the next 

	Bug fixes in printing/punching of diffusion coefficients with diff_c and setdiff_c: the numbers 
	are now corrected for I and T effects when the appropriate factors are defined in keyword 
	SOLUTION_SPECIES, item -dw. For example:

	H+ = H+
		-gamma 9.0 0
		-dw 9.31e-9 1000 0.46 1e-10 # The dw parameters are defined in Appelo, 2017, CCR 101, 102-113.

	It will set Dw(TK) = 9.31e-9 * exp(1000 / TK - 1000 / 298.15) * viscos_0_25 / viscos_0_tc
	and Dw(I) = Dw(TK) * exp(-0.46 * DH_A * |zi| * I 0.5 / (1 + DH_B * I 0.5 * 1e-10 / (1 + I 0.75))),

	where viscos_0_25 is the viscosity of pure water at 25 °C, viscos_0_tc is the viscosity of pure 
	water at the temperature of the solution. DH_A and DH_B are Debye-Hückel parameters, 
	retrievable with PHREEQC Basic.

	The temperature correction is always applied in multicomponent, diffusive transport and for 
	calculating the viscosity.

	The ionic strength correction is for electromigration calculations (Appelo, 2017, CCR 101, 102). 
	The correction is applied when the option is set true in TRANSPORT, item -multi_D:
		-multi_d true 1e-9 0.3 0.05 1.0 true # multicomponent diffusion
	# true/false, default tracer diffusion coefficient (Dw = 1e-9 m2/s) in water at 25 °C (used in 
	case -dw is not defined for a species), porosity (por = 0.3), limiting porosity (0.05) below 
	which diffusion stops, exponent n (1.0) used in calculating the porewater diffusion coefficient 
	Dp = Dw * por^n, true/false: correct Dw for ionic strength (false by default). 

	May 19, 2023
	Changed documentation of GetDensity and related functions to GetDensityCalculated. 
		(GetDensity still exists for backward compatibility.)
	Changed documentation of SetDensity and related functions to SetDensityUser. 
		(SetDensity still exists for backward compatibility.)
	Density is used to convert user-model concentrations to module solution definitions only if the
	units of the user-model concentrations are specified to be parts per million. The density specified by 
	SetDensityUser is used by SetConcentrations to convert from per kg of solution to 
	per L of solution. For GetConcentrations, two options are available to convert from module solutions 
	to user-model concentrations, depending on the value used for the method SetUseSolutionDensityVolume: 
	(1) the module-calculated density is used to convert from the calculated volume of solution
	to the mass (kg) of solution, or (2) the user-specified value of density is used to make the conversion.
	Again, density is only used if the user-model concentration units are ppm.
	The change in method names is intended to emphasize the difference between the user-specified densities
	and the module-calculated densities. 
	Changed documentation of GetSaturation and related functions to GetSaturationCalculated.
		(GetSaturation still exists for backward compatibility.)
	Changed documentation of SetSaturation and related functions to SetSaturationUser.
		(SetSaturation still exists for backward compatibility.)
	The values specified by SetSaturationUser are used to convert user-model concentrations to module solution definitions.
	For SetConcentrations, the volume of solution is calculated to be the user-specified saturation * porosity * 
	representative volume. For GetConcentrations, two options are available to determine the solution volume, depending 
	on the value specified for SetUseSolutionDensityVolume: (1) the solution volume is calculated by the reaction module 
	and used to convert to user-model concentrations, or (2) the solution volume is again calculated by 
	user-specified saturation * porosity * representative volume, and those values are used to convert to user-model
	concentrations. In either case, the values returned by GetSaturationCalculated are the calculated solution volume divided
	by (porosity * representative volume).
	The change in method names is intended to emphasize the difference between the user-specified saturations and 
	and the module-calculated saturations.
	April 16, 2023
	PhreeqcRM: Added new methods to simplify getting and setting component and 
	aqueous species concentrations.
	New methods:
	GetIthConcentration(int i, std::vector<double>& c)--Gets the ith component concentration as
		of the last RunCells calculation. Total number of components is retrieved with GetComponentCount.
	GetIthSpeciesConcentration(int i, std::vector<double>& c)--Gets the ith aqueous species concentration as
		of the last RunCells calculation. Total number of aqueous species is retrieved with GetSpeciesCount.
		This method is for use with multicomponent diffusion, and SetSpeciesSaveOn must be set to true.
	SetIthConcentration(int i, std::vector<double>& c)--Sets the ith component concentration; done after
		transport calculations and before RunCells calculation. Total number of components is retrieved 
		with GetComponentCount. SetIthConcentration must be run for every component before RunCells is called.
	SetIthConcentration(int i, std::vector<double>& c)--Sets the ith aqueous species concentration; done after
		transport calculations and before RunCells calculation. Total number of aqueous species is 
		retrieved with GetSpeciesCount. This method is for use with multicomponent diffusion, 
		and SetSpeciesSaveOn must be set to true. SetIthSpeciesConcentration must be run for every aqueous
		species before RunCells is called.
	Fortran versions are
	RM_GetIthConcentration(id, i, c)
	RM_GetIthSpeciesConcentration(id, i, c)
	RM_SetIthConcentration(id, i, c)
	RM_SetIthSpeciesConcentration(id, i, c)

	April 14, 2023
	PhreeqcRM: Added new methods to simplify setting initial conditions.
	New initial conditions methods:
	These methods are an alternative to InitialPhreeqc2Module, which used a 7 x nxyz array to
	set all initial conditions in one method call. The new methods set only one reactant at a
	time, and all methods use a single array of index numbers (referring to definitions in 
	the InitialPhreeqc instance) of length nxyz (the number of user grid cells). The methods
	copy definitions from the InitialPhreeqc instance to define initial conditions in the
	model cells.
	Fortran implementation is as follows:
	RM_InitialEquilibriumPhases2Module(id, equilibrium_phases);
	RM_InitialExchanges2Module(id, exchanges);
	RM_InitialGasPhases2Module(id, gas_phases);
	RM_InitialKinetics2Module(id, kinetics);
	RM_InitialSolutions2Module(id, solutions);
	RM_InitialSolidSolutions2Module(id, solid_solutions);
	RM_InitialSurfaces2Module(id, surfaces);

	February 28, 2023
	PhreeqcRM: 	Revised names for PhreeqcRM test case source and output 
	files (Tests subdirectory of distribution). Added tests SimpleAdvect_cpp,  
    SimpleAdvect_c and SimpleAdvect_f90. All transport results are the same for
	Advect_cpp, Advect_c, and Advect_f90, SimpleAdvect_cpp,  
    SimpleAdvect_c and SimpleAdvect_f90; however, the SimpleAdvect cases use
    a minimal set of method calls, whereas the other cases demonstrate most
    of the features of PhreeqcRM. 	

	February 26, 2023
	PhreeqcRM: 	Added method InitializeYAML to initialize a PhreeqcRM
	It is possible to use a YAML  file to initialize the PhreeqcRM instance. 
	If a GUI is used to define model input, a YAML file could be used to 
	transfer the data from the GUI to a PhreeqcRM instance. The YAML file 
	contains names of PhreeqcRM	methods and associated data, for example:
      workers: true
      initial_phreeqc: true
      utility: true
      chemistry_name: advect.pqi
	InitializeYAML can be used to process the directives defined in 
	the YAML file. The method InitializeYAML is equivalent to BMI_Initialize.
	A C++ class named YAMLPhreeqcRM is included in the Tests subdirectory
	of the PhreeqcRM distribution, which provides the capability to generate
	a PhreeqcRM YAML file. The file WriteYAMLFile.cpp generates a YAML file
	and advection_bmi_cpp.cpp reads and processes the file to initialize
	a PhreeqcRM instance. 

	February 26, 2023
	PhreeqcRM: Added a BMI (Basic Model Interface) for C++ and Fortran. 
	The interface is a repackaging of the available methods of 
	PhreeqcRM. All PhreeqcRM methods are available in addition
	to the BMI methods.
	New capabilities include (1) the capability to
	retrieve units for the variables for BMI_GetValues and BMI_SetValues,
	(2) the capability to use YAML (YAML ain't Markup Language)
	to initialize a PhreeqcRM instance with the method BMI_Initialize
	(which is equivalent to the method InitializeYAML), and (3) the availability
	of pointers that always point to current variable values. 
	The YAML capability would be especially useful if a GUI (Graphical User Interface)
	is used to set up model initial conditions. The GUI could write a YAML file
	that contains directives for PhreeqcRM methods that need to be run and 
	the corresonding data needed to initialize a PhreeqcRM instance--for example, 
	setting units; running a PHREEQC input	file to define initial and 
	boundary conditions; distribution of initial conditions to the model cells; 
	setting initial porosity, saturation, temperature, and pressure. 
	When a PhreeqcRM instance is created by the simulator, it can process 
	the YAML file with BMI_Initialize to execute the specified PhreeqcRM methods 
	to apply the data specified in the YAML file. 
	The following represents the way BMI methods would be used to implement
	a sequential, noniterative transport calculation:
	    PhreeqcRM phreeqc_rm(nxyz, nthreads);
        int ncomps;
        phreeqc_rm.GetValue("ComponentCount", &ncomps);
        int ngrid;
        phreeqc_rm.GetValue("GridCellCount", ngrid);
        std::vector c(ngrid*ncomps, 0.0);
        phreeqc_rm.SetValue("TimeStep", 86400);
        for(double time = 0; time < 864000; time+=86400)
            // Take a transport time step here and update the vector c.
            phreeqc_rm.SetValue("Time", time);
	The set of BMI methods is as follows:
	std::string GetComponentName()
		Returns "PhreeqcRM".
	double GetCurrentTime()
		Returns current time that has been set by the user.
	double GetEndTime()
		Returns current time plus the time step.
	int GetInputItemCount()
		Returns the number of variables that it is possible to set
		with SetValue.
	std::vector<std::string> GetInputVarNames()
		Returns a list of the names of variables that can be set
		with SetValue.
	int GetOutputItemCount()
		Returns the number of variables that it is possible to retrieve
		with GetValue.
	std::vector<std::string> GetOutputVarNames()
		Returns a list of the names of variables that can be retrieved
		with GetValue.
	double GetTimeStep()
		Returns the current time step that has been set by the user.
	std::string GetTimeUnits()
		Returns "seconds".
	void GetValue(std::string name, void* dest)
		Returns a value or vector of values for the variable identified by name
	void GetValuePtr(std::string name, void* dest)
		Returns a pointer to current values of a variable. This method
		is available for selected variables.
	int GetVarItemsize(std::string name)
		Returns the number of bytes needed for one element of the variable
		identified by name.
	int GetVarNbytes(std::string name)
		Returns the total number of bytes neded to store the value or vector
		of values identified by name.
	std::string GetVarType(std::string name)
		Returns the type of the variable identified by name: "int", "double", or
	std::string GetVarUnits(std::string name)	
		Returns the units associated with the variable identified by name.
	void Initialize(std::string config_file)
		Same as InitializeYAML discussed above.

	void SetValue(std::string name, void* src)
		Sets the value or vector of values for the variable identified by name.
	void Update(void)
		Calculates chemical reactions for a time step. It is equivalent to
		the method RunCells. Equilibrium will be calculated between the solution 
		and all equilibrium reactants (EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES, EXCHANGE, etc), and
		KINETICS will be integrated for the time step.
	BMI is implemented in Fortran with USE BMIPhreeqcRM. Methods are nemed with a
	prefix "bmif" and have an additional initial argument to identify the instance of
	BMIPhreeqcRM that is being used. 
	February 26, 2023
	PHREEQC: Fixed bug with Basic functions PR_P and PR_PHI. Values
	were incorrect after the first step when INCREMENTAL_REACTIONS
	was set to true.
	February 25, 2023
	ALL PROGRAMS: Added the latest version of the database Thermoddem to 
	the distributions of PHREEQC programs. The database was downloaded
	March 23, 2022
	PHREEQC: "MacInnes" was misspelled in one of the warning messages.

	December 18, 2021
	PHREEQC: Fixed transport bug where the end cell should not have
	been processed in part of the calculation.

Full Changelog: v3.7.3...v3.8.0