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Implementation of a service mesh control plane that can optimize dataplane performance

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Wire Mesh

The repository for the Wire Mesh project.

Setup Instructions

Running the Wire Mesh only requires a Linux version higher than 5.15, a running Kubernetes cluster and a few Python packages that can be installed using:

cd scripts

For a Cloudlab cluster, we provide a simple script to set up the environment. The setup involves running the scripts from the local machine and then testing the setup on the Cloudlab cluster.

Setup for Cloudlab

  1. On your local machine, set the Cloudlab environment variables for CLI:

     export CLOUDLAB_USERNAME=<cloudlab-username>
     export CLOUDLAB_PROJECT=<cloudlab-project>
     export CLOUDLAB_CLUSTER=<cloudlab-cluster-domain>

    CLOUDLAB_USERNAME is the username under which you are SSH-ing into the Cloudlab cluster, CLOUDLAB_PROJECT is the project under which the Cloudlab cluster is registered (both of these can be found on the Cloudlab experiment page). The domain for the cluster is usually like or, etc.

  2. On the local machine, start the setup script. This will SSH into the cloudlab nodes using the above environment variables and set up the Kubernetes cluster:

     ./cloudlab/ <cloudlab-experiment-name> 0 3 1 && ./cloudlab/ <cloudlab-experiment-name> 4
  3. On Cloudlab node 0, check that the Kubernetes cluster is up and running:

     kubectl get nodes

    The output should show the nodes in the cluster in the Ready state.

  4. Again from the local machine, push the necessary code on to the Cloudlab cluster:

     ./cloudlab/ <cloudlab-experiment-name> 0 3 1

Running the Wire Mesh

On the Kubernetes control node (for Cloudlab setup using the above steps, this should be node0), run:

  1. Install a service mesh:

    cd scripts/
    ./ --mesh <mesh>

    where <mesh> is the service mesh to install (e.g., wire, istio, cilium).

  2. Start an application on the Kubernetes cluster (this repository contains scripts to set up four applications in scripts/deployment):

    cd scripts/deployment/reservation
    ./ --init --mesh <mesh>

    where <mesh> is the service mesh to use for this (e.g., wire, istio, cilium). This should start the application -- check by running kubectl get pods after a few seconds. It should show the pods in the Running state.

  3. Run the workload generator:

    cd scripts/depoloyment/reservation
    ./ --mesh <mesh> -c -I <ip-addr> -r <rate>

    where <ip-addr> is the IP address of the control node, and <rate> is the request rate to generate.

The above should save results in the $HOME/out directory.

Reproducing results in the paper

Latency-Throughput and CPU-Memory usage results

Setup the cluster using instruction above. Then, follow the instructions below to get the necessary traces and logs for Figures 9 and 10 in the paper.

End-to-end experiments

Running the end-to-end experiments for a policy, require execution of the policy for the given scenario over several traces, for all benchmark applications. This can take a long time (up to two hours) to generate all results. In order to only test the policy on a single trace, see the instructions in this section.

To generate all the necessary results, please repeat the following steps for mesh=istio,hypo, and wire and then, to plot the final figures, use the plotting scripts described in this section.

  1. Set up a particular service mesh (on the control node, node0 of the Cloudlab cluster):

    cd scripts
    ./ --mesh <mesh>

    where <mesh> is one of istio, hypo (shown in paper as Istio++) or wire.

  2. Start the evaluation (from your local machine):

    ./cloudlab/ <cloudlab-experiment-name> <scenario> <results-dir>

    where the scenario is one of istio, hypo (shown in paper as Istio++) or wire.

    To run the evaluation for policy P1+P2, run the following script:

    ./cloudlab/ <cloudlab-experiment-name> <mesh> <results-dir>

    where the mesh is one of istio, hypo (shown in paper as Istio++) or wire.

  3. Remove the mesh and the running containers (on the control node, node0 of the Cloudlab cluster):

    cd scripts
    ./ --mesh <mesh>

Single run

One can simply run a particular mesh (Istio/Istio++/Wire) for a single trace using the following script (note that for the complete results, one needs to repeat this for all benchmark applications and multiple request rates - this is done in the end-to-end experiments above.):

  1. Setup the application (on control node, node0 of the Cloudlab cluster):

    cd scripts/deployment/<app (reservation/social/boutique)>
    ./ <mesh>

    where <mesh> can be istio, hypo (shown in paper as Istio++) or wire.

  2. Run the experiment (on local machine):

    ./cloudlab/ <cloudlab-experiment-name> <app> <mesh> <results-dir> <request-rate>

    where <app> is one of reservation, social, boutique, <mesh> is one of istio, hypo (shown in paper as Istio++) or wire, and <request-rate> is the request rate to generate. The script will run a workload with <request-rate> requests per second and save the observed latencies and CPU/Memory usage in <results-dir>.

Plotting Scripts

The results can be plotted by running the following scripts:

cd scripts/plots
python <results-dir> boutique reservation social
python <results-dir> boutique reservation social

The final plotted figures will be saved in the scripts/plots/figures directory.

Evaluation of control plane on production traces

The Wire control plane can be executed to find the optimal placement for production traces as follows:

cd pkg/placement
go test -timeout 9999s -v placement_test.go placement.go generate.go -run Production -args -logtostderr -traces ../../scripts/deployment/production/appls.json

The appls.json file contains details of the production traces from Alibaba Cluster Data. This file was generated by running the followed by scripts in scripts/deployment/production/ on the raw trace data.


Implementation of a service mesh control plane that can optimize dataplane performance







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