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Simulation Options

Robert West edited this page Apr 21, 2021 · 1 revision

General Information

Using HotSpot requires giving it some options via the command line. Here we list the most important options. Many of these (though not all) can be put in the .config file instead of on the command line. In general, you can tell if an option may be specified in the .config file by checking to see if there is a placeholder for it in the template.config file. Additionally, simulation options given via the command line always override any listed in the .config file. Additionally, you can see the effects that many of these options have on actual simulations by checking out the examples we give in the examples directory.


  • -c <config_file> : This option gives HotSpot the path to the configuration input file.
  • -p <ptrace_file> : This option gives HotSpot the path to the power trace input file.
  • -flp <floorplan_file> : This option gives HotSpot the path to the floorplan being simulated. Either a floorplan file or a layer configuration file must be given.
  • -grid_layer_file <layer_configuration_file> : This option gives HotSpot the path to the layer configuration file being simulated. Either a floorplan file or a layer configuration file must be given.


  • -materials_file <materials_file> : This option gives HotSpot the path to the materials file. Most of the examples in examples show how to use this option.
  • -model_type <block OR grid> : This option tells HotSpot whether or not to simulate using the block model or grid model. Note that 3D simulations (those with a layer configuration file specified) require using the grid model. Refer to example1 for an example simulation using -model_type block and example2 for an example simulation using -model_type grid.
  • -detailed_3D <on OR off> : This option tells HotSpot whether or not to allow individual floorplan elements to list their own thermal properties. If this option is off, then every floorplan element in a layer inherits the thermal properties given for that layer either in the layer configuration file (in a 3D simulation) or in the configuration file. If unspecified, this option is treated as being set to off. Refer to example4 for an example simulation using this option.
  • -use_microchannels <0 or 1> : This option tells HotSpot whether or not microfluidic cooling is being used. If set to 1, then HotSpot will allow the layer configuration file to list a microfluidic cooling file instead of a floorplan file. Simulating microfluidic cooling also requires the model_type grid and detailed_3D on options. If left unspecified, this option is treated as being set to 0. Refer to example5 for an example simulation using this option.
  • -init_file <init_file> : This option gives HotSpot the path to an Initialization File.
  • -steady_file <steady_file> : This option gives HotSpot the path to a Steady Results output file.
  • -grid_steady_file <grid_steady_file> : This option gives HotSpot the path to a Grid Steady Results output file.
  • -o <transient_file> : This option gives HotSpot the path to a Transient Results output file.
  • -grid_transient_file <grid_transient_file> : This option gives HotSpot the path to a Grid Transient Results output file.
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