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Golang SDK for v-bible

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📔 Table of Contents

🧰 Getting Started

‼️ Prerequisites

  • Go: 1.22.3.

  • Go tools:

    All required Go tools is placed in internal/tools/tools.go:

    make download-deps


These dependencies are not included during build.

🏃 Run Locally

Clone the project:

git clone

Go to the project directory:

cd go-sdk

Install dependencies:

go mod download

👀 Usage


Generate Liturgical Calendar

The liturgical data is collected from The Lectionary for Mass (1998/2002 USA Edition), which is compiled by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D. The data is stored in v-bible/static repository.

Some considerations when generating the liturgical calendar:

  • Currently, I don't have "The Lectionary for Mass" book to verify the data. If you find any mistakes, please report them to me.

  • The verse for the liturgical may varies from different languages and translations. Compare the liturgical for the same day 04/03/2024 (Monday of the Third Week of Lent) from in French, Español, Vietnamese, and English:

    • French:
      • First Reading: 2 R 5,1-15a.
      • Gospel: Lc 4,24-30.
    • Español:
      • First Reading: 2 Reyes 5,1-15.
      • Gospel: Lc 4,24-30.
    • Vietnamese:
      • First Reading: 2 V 5,1-15a.
      • Gospel: Lc 4,24-3.
    • English:
      • First Reading: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab.
      • Gospel: Lk 4:24-30.
    • v-bible/static:
      • First Reading: 2 Kgs 5:1-15a.
      • Gospel: Luke 4:24-30.
  • In the same day may have multiple data for the liturgical (additional celebrations, feasts or solemnities may vary from different countries).

  • The liturgical calendar also changes based on options:

    • Is Epiphany on 6th January or Sunday after 1st January?
    • Is Ascension on Thursday or Sunday after 40 days of Easter?
    • Special celebrations for each country.
  • User can also provide user-defined data for the liturgical calendar.

Process Verse

Convert verse data to markdown and HTML format.


For markdown format, your markdown processor SHOULD support GFM footnotes.

Verse Parse

This util comply with the Biblical References: Format, Examples, History format.

You can use function NormalizeQueryUs or NormalizeQueryEu to normalize query to smaller chapters, ensuring each chapters will have start and end verse. The * means taking all verses. For example:

American Abbr. NormalizeQueryUs Biblical Passage European Abbr. NormalizeQueryEu
John 9 9:*-* The Gospel according to John, chapter 9 John 9 9,*-*
John 9, 12 9:*-*;12:*-* John, chapters 9 and 12 (two chapters only) John 9; 12 9,*-*;12,*-*
John 9--12 9:*-*;10:*-*;11:*-*;12:*-* John, chapters 9 through 12 (four chaps. total) John 9--12 9,*-*;10,*-*;11,*-*;12,*-*
John 9:12 9:12-12 John, chapter 9, verse 12 (only one verse) John 9,12 9,12-12
John 9:12b 9:12b-12b John, chapter 9, only the second part of verse 12 John 9,12b 9,12b-12b
John 9:1, 12 9:1-1;9:12-12 John, chapter 9, verses 1 and 12 only John 9,1.12 9,1-1;9,12-12
John 9:1-12 9:1-12 John, chapter 9, the passage from verse 1 to verse 12 John 9,1-12 9,1-12
John 9:1-12, 36 9:1-12;9:36-36 John, chapter 9, from verse 1 to verse 12, and verse 36 John 9,1-12.36 9,1-12;9,36-36
John 9:1; 12:36 9:1-1;12:36-36 John, only the two verses 9:1 and 12:36 John 9,1; 12,36 9,1-1;12,36-36
John 9:1--12:36 9:1-*;10:*-*;11:*-*;12:*-36 John, the whole section from 9:1 to 12:36 John 9,1--12,36 9,1-*;10,*-*;11,*-*;12,*-36
John 9:1-12; 12:3-6 9:1-12;12:3-6 John, the two passages 9:1-12 and 12:3-6 John 9,1-12; 12,3-6 9,1-12;12,3-6
John 9:1-3, 6-12; 12:3-6 9:1-3;9:6-12;12:3-6 three passages: John 9:1-3; and 9:6-12; and John 12:3-6 John 9,1-3.6-12; 12,3-6 9,1-3;9,6-12;12,3-6
John 9:1-3, 6-12--12:3-6 (Additional) 9:1-3;9:6-*;10:*-*;11:*-*;12:*-6 John, passage 9:1-3, whole section from 9:6 to 12:6 John 9,1-3.6-12--12,3-6 9,1-3;9,6-*;10,*-*;11,*-*;12,*-6
John 9:12-13 9:12-13 John, chapter 9, verses 12 and 13 ("12 and following") John 9,12f Not supported
not used; better to list exact verse #s Not supported John, chapter 9, verse 12 "and the following verses"; but how many? the end of the text is not specified! John 9,12ff Not supported


For chapter range, you MUST use -- (two hyphens) not special characters, the same for verse range -.

For parsing verses:

  • Each verses will have Number and Order, with Order starts from 0 for a, 1 for b, 2 for c, etc.
  • * is converted to Number: -1 and Order :-1.
  • 9:12b is converted Number: 12 and Order :1.


  • scripts/gen-calendar.go: Generate liturgical calendar.

🧭 Roadmap

  • ktcgkpv: Add footnotes for proper names.
  • Add tests.

👋 Contributing

Contributions are always welcome!

Please read the contribution guidelines.

📜 Code of Conduct

Please read the Code of Conduct.

⚠️ License

This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License.

License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

See the file for full details.

🤝 Contact

Duong Vinh -

Project Link:

💎 Acknowledgements

Here are useful resources and libraries that we have used in our projects: