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Development repository for Smart Brushless Servo

PID/FOC Custom Firmware for B-G431B-ESC1 board.

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  • 16KHz motor PWM
  • 20KHz motor PWM
  • Open-loop and closed-loop FOC algorithm (16KHz)
  • Faster loop for FOC algorithm (20KHz)
  • FOC with CSVPWM algorithm
  • FOC with Field-Weakening (work in progress)
  • Torque and Flux control (P only), with current limiter
  • Position control with min/max position limiter (4KHz)
  • Velocity control with max velocity limiter (4KHz)
  • Torque and Flux feed-forward
  • Auto-calibration of electrical angle and motor rotation
  • USB control interface : dynamixel like protocol allowing full-access to control (RAM) and configuration (EERPOM)
  • CAN control interface : variable-size control frames (RX) and feedback frames (TX), with fail-safe on bus time-out
  • Power supply voltage monitoring, with min/max operating voltage (user configurable)
  • Position sensor monitoring, with fail-safe on system error and bus time-out
  • Temperature monitoring, with fail-safe on maximum temprature (user configurable)
  • GUI Tool for configuration and test

1. Hardware (commercial off the shelf)

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Product page :

Cost: approx. 18$ per unit.

2. Wiring

As mentioned in the user manual, the B-G431B-ESC1 Discovery kit is equipped with a USB connector and different pads for communication, such as:

  • U4 USB port for programming and debugging
  • J1 for CAN port
  • J2 for SWD-STM32F103 (reserved)
  • J3 for PWM/UART/BECout input/output signal
  • J4 for SWD-STM32G431 debug/programming port (without daughterboard)
  • J5/J6 for Lipo battery (30V or 6S max)
  • J7 for motor
  • J8 for motor sensor (Hall or encoder)

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The USB interface is provided on the daughterboard and it allows to program and debug the main board. It provides also the supply voltage to the STM32G431CB MCU in case of no voltage on the bus (J5 and J6 not connected to the LiPo battery).

For proper operation of the FOC firmware, the J1, J5, J6, J7, an J8 solder pads should be connected. The J2, J3, J4 solder pads may be left unconnected.

For J8, the firmware accept two types of position sensor :

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3. Uploading firmware

A full erase of the Chip is strongly recommended, to insure proper initialisation of the default configuration (the last Flash page stores PID/FOC configuration).

The release configuration of the PID/FOC firmware should be built with CubeIDE, and then uploaded using the USB port of the board.

A hard-coded setting must be adjusted by user, according its hardware configuration :

At lines 40+ of main.c,

// Position sensor type :
//    "AS5600_I2C"
//    "AS5048A_PWM"

4. Local user interface


The Red STATUS LED is normally OFF.

When an hardware error occurs, the LED is ON.

User may set the LED ON through USB interface.

4.2. Button

A short press on the button starts the calibration sequence. It last a few seconds and the motor turns slowly. Rotor should be free to get a good calibration.

Notice : The number of pole pairs should be configured before starting the calibration sequence. User may set the pole pairs by connecting the ESC to a computer through USB and running the GUI tool.

5. GUI Tool & Controller configuration

GUI Tool allows to configure and to command the controller.

Connect the ESC to USB port, and change the line 20 in according serial device:

## change COM port here
servo = servo_protocol2('COM3',1000000)


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By default, the controller has the ID:1 and USB/VCP baud rate is 1Mbps.

5.1 Configuration registers (EEPROM)

Warning (wear) : Each time a value of an EEPROM register is changed, the Flash is reprogrammed. The number of programming cycles is approx 10.000 to 100.000.

Field Default Value Description
ID 1 ID of the controler (used for both USB and CAN). Values: 000h < ID < 010h
Min Position 0 Minimum position in degress, limiting position control
Max Position 1000 Maximum position in degrees (position control)
Max Velocity 5000 Maximum velocity in degrees per second (velocity control)
Max Acceleration 32000 Maximum acceleration in degrees per second squared
Max Current 500 Maximum motor current in mA (FOC)
Max Temperature 60 Maximum operating temperaturein °C. Values: <70
Min Voltage 6 Minimum operating power supply voltage. Values: <30
Max Voltage 28 Maximum operating power supply voltage. Values: <30
Encoder Resolution 14 Resolution of the position sensor in bits. Values: 12 for AS5600, 14 for AS5048A
Motor Pole Pairs 14 Pole pairs of the motor
Motor Synchro Angle 0 Offset in degrees between physical and electrical angles. Updated by auto-calibration
Motor Phase Inv 0 Motor phase inversion. Values: {0,1} Updated by auto-calibration
Field Weakening K 255 Field weakening. Values: 255
PID Position P 30 PID P value for position.
PID Position I 0 PID I value for position.
PID Position D 100 PID D value for position.
PID Velocity FF 0 PID FF value for velocity.
PID acceleration FF 0 PID FF value for acceleration.
PID Flux current KP 400 Kp of Flux PI FOC.
PID Torque current KP 400 Kp of Torque PI FOC.
EWMA Encoder 255 Encoder Noise Filter.

5.2 Control registers (RAM)

Field Default Value Description
LED 0 STATUS LED ON/OFF command. Values: {0:OFF,1:ON}
Control Mode 0 Operating mode. Values: {0:IDLE, 1:Position/Velocity/Torque control, 2:Position/Velocity/Torque/Velocity control}
Goal Position 0 Goal position in degrees (position control)
Goal Velocity 0 Goal velocity in degrees per second (velocity control)
FF Torque Current 0 Feed-forward torque current in mA (FOC, Iq)
Goal Flux Current 0 Reference flux current in mA (FOC, Idref)

6. CAN protocol

The controller accepts CAN frame identifier = 000h + its own ID (user configurable ID).

The controler repies with CAN frame identifier = 010h + its own ID (user configurable ID).

6.1. Control frame formats

At start-up (power-on reset), the controller is in IDLE state (motor brake). The position and velocity set-points, the current feed-forward and the Kp and Kd are reset (=0).

In order to arm the controller, a full control frame with a 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF payload should be sent. The velocity set-point, the current feed-forward and the Kp and Kd are reset (=0). The position set-point is set to the present rotor position.

To disarm the controller, a full control frame with a 0x000000000000000 payload should be send. The position and velocity set-points, the current feed-forward and the Kp and Kd are reset (=0).

The controller disarms it-self automatically, when a CAN bus time-out occur (no control frame received for one second). The position and velocity set-points, the current feed-forward and the Kp and Kd are reset (=0).

For 16-bit fields, low byte first position, high byte second position.

6.1.1. Full control frame

A full control frame has a 48-bit payload.

Field Length Value
Position 16b Position set-point in degrees
Velocity 16b Velocity set-point in degrees per second
Torque 16b Torque current feed-forward in mA

Warning : A high value of Kp or Kd may damage the actuator.

6.1.2. Shortened control frames

A 32-bit control frame contains :

Field Length Value
Position 16b Position set-point in degrees
Velocity 16b Velocity set-point in degrees per second

A 16-bit control frame contains :

Field Length Value
Torque 16b Torque current feed-forward in mA

6.2. Feedback frame formats

A 40-bit feedback frame contains :

Field Length Value
Position 16b Present position in degrees
Speed 16b Present speed current in degrees per second
Error status 8b Hardware error status. Bit 0: Voltage, Bit 1: Position sensor error, Bit 2: Position sensor no response, Bit 5: Overload, Bit 6: Overheating.









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