With this extension, you can:
- Launch websites or forms (with optional data passed in the URL)
- Trigger mobile-based authentication
- Deeplink or inter-opt with native mobile applications
- Provide phone numbers for direct calling
- Offer to connect users to a Wi-Fi network
- Share contact information cards
Inspired by Niko's Voiceflow Extensions Starter Repo. Full documentation available here. QR Code generation handled by Denys Kozak's qr-code-styling library
git clone https://github.com/valgaze/voiceflow-qrcode
cd voiceflow-qrcode
Sign up or login to Voiceflow
From the dashboard, import the project file.
The import flow will look roughly like this:
- Tap the "Publish" button in the top right corner
Note: Always publish after making changes to ensure your agent is up-to-date. You can also specify the environment-- see here for details
Open config.js and replace the placeholder with your Voiceflow project ID:
const projectID = "__REPLACE__ME__";
If you have node installed, run the following command from the project directory:
npm run dev
# or run: npx -y http-server -p 1337
The project will be served at http://localhost:1337.
Navigate to http://localhost:1337 in your web browser to go through the flow.
Seeing errors?
You can serve this directory however you prefer, one easy option is NodeJS
Option 1: Download and Install from the official website
Option 2: Install Using Volta
If you prefer to use Volta to manage your Node.js installations, follow these steps:
Install Volta:
curl https://get.volta.sh | bash
Install Node.js using Volta:
volta install node
Or serve with Python, ex
python3 -m http.server 1337
Set the custom action from the Voiceflow canvas to "ext_qr"
"url": "https://speedybot.js.org/speedycard",
"queryParams": {
"card": "acai"
"phone": "1-800-555-1212"
"qrType": "wifi",
"ssid": "mycoolwifi",
"password": "this_might_be_a_bad_idea"
"qrType": "contact",
"name": "Sherlock Holmes",
"org": "221B Baker Street Investigations",
"phone": "+44 20 7946 0958",
"email": "sherlock.holmes@bakerstreet.com",
"description": "You've scanned the QR code for Sherlock Holmes, the world's greatest detective. Known for his unparalleled skills in deduction and a penchant for solving the most baffling mysteries. Whether it's finding missing cats or unraveling intricate plots, Holmes is your go-to. Caution: Engaging in conversation may lead to impromptu crime-solving adventures!"