GitHub CI #300
on: schedule
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Matrix: test
Matrix: build_and_push
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2 errors and 5 warnings
unstable - Build and push
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c set -eux; \t\tsavedAptMark=\"$(apt-mark showmanual)\"; \tapt-get update; \tapt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \t\tca-certificates \t\twget \t\t\t\tdpkg-dev \t\tgcc \t\tlibc6-dev \t\tlibssl-dev \t\tmake \t; \trm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; \t\twget -O ***.tar.gz \"$VALKEY_DOWNLOAD_URL\"; \t\t\techo \"Unstable Valkey version, do not compare SHA256SUM\" ;\t\t\tmkdir -p /usr/src/***; \ttar -xzf ***.tar.gz -C /usr/src/*** --strip-components=1; \trm ***.tar.gz; \t\tgrep -E '^ *createBoolConfig[(]\"protected-mode\",.*, *1 *,.*[)],$' /usr/src/***/src/config.c; \tsed -ri 's!^( *createBoolConfig[(]\"protected-mode\",.*, *)1( *,.*[)],)$!\\10\\2!' /usr/src/***/src/config.c; \tgrep -E '^ *createBoolConfig[(]\"protected-mode\",.*, *0 *,.*[)],$' /usr/src/***/src/config.c; \t\tgnuArch=\"$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)\"; \textraJemallocConfigureFlags=\"--build=$gnuArch\"; \tdpkgArch=\"$(dpkg --print-architecture)\"; \tcase \"${dpkgArch##*-}\" in \t\tamd64 | i386 | x32) extraJemallocConfigureFlags=\"$extraJemallocConfigureFlags --with-lg-page=12\" ;; \t\t*) extraJemallocConfigureFlags=\"$extraJemallocConfigureFlags --with-lg-page=16\" ;; \tesac; \textraJemallocConfigureFlags=\"$extraJemallocConfigureFlags --with-lg-hugepage=21\"; \tgrep -F 'cd jemalloc && ./configure ' /usr/src/***/deps/Makefile; \tsed -ri 's!cd jemalloc && ./configure !&'\"$extraJemallocConfigureFlags\"' !' /usr/src/***/deps/Makefile; \tgrep -F \"cd jemalloc && ./configure $extraJemallocConfigureFlags \" /usr/src/***/deps/Makefile; \t\texport BUILD_TLS=yes; \tmake -C /usr/src/*** -j \"$(nproc)\" all; \tmake -C /usr/src/*** install; \t\tserverMd5=\"$(md5sum /usr/local/bin/***-server | cut -d' ' -f1)\"; export serverMd5; \tfind /usr/local/bin/**** -maxdepth 0 \t\t-type f -not -name ***-server \t\t-exec sh -eux -c ' \t\t\tmd5=\"$(md5sum \"$1\" | cut -d\" \" -f1)\"; \t\t\ttest \"$md5\" = \"$serverMd5\"; \t\t' -- '{}' ';' \t\t-exec ln -svfT '***-server' '{}' ';' \t; \t\trm -r /usr/src/***; \t\tapt-mark auto '.*' > /dev/null; \t[ -z \"$savedAptMark\" ] || apt-mark manual $savedAptMark > /dev/null; \tfind /usr/local -type f -executable -exec ldd '{}' ';' \t\t| awk '/=>/ { so = $(NF-1); if (index(so, \"/usr/local/\") == 1) { next }; gsub(\"^/(usr/)?\", \"\", so); print so }' \t\t| sort -u \t\t| xargs -r dpkg-query --search \t\t| cut -d: -f1 \t\t| sort -u \t\t| xargs -r apt-mark manual \t; \tapt-get purge -y --auto-remove -o APT::AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant=false; \t\t***-cli --version; \t***-server --version; \t\techo '{\"spdxVersion\":\"SPDX-2.3\",\"SPDXID\":\"SPDXRef-DOCUMENT\",\"name\":\"***-server-sbom\",\"packages\":[{\"name\":\"***-server\",\"versionInfo\":\"unstable\",\"SPDXID\":\"SPDXRef-Package--***-server\",\"externalRefs\":[{\"referenceCategory\":\"PACKAGE-MANAGER\",\"referenceType\":\"purl\",\"referenceLocator\":\"pkg:generic/***-server@unstable?os_name=debian&os_version=bookworm\"}],\"licenseDeclared\":\"BSD-3-Clause\"}]}' > /usr/local/***.spdx.json" did not complete successfully: exit code: 2
unstable-alpine - Build and push
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c set -eux; \t\tapk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \t\tcoreutils \t\tdpkg-dev dpkg \t\tgcc \t\tlinux-headers \t\tmake \t\tmusl-dev \t\topenssl-dev \t\twget \t; \t\twget -O ***.tar.gz \"$VALKEY_DOWNLOAD_URL\"; \t\t\techo \"Unstable Valkey version, do not compare SHA256SUM\" ;\t\t\tmkdir -p /usr/src/***; \ttar -xzf ***.tar.gz -C /usr/src/*** --strip-components=1; \trm ***.tar.gz; \t\tgrep -E '^ *createBoolConfig[(]\"protected-mode\",.*, *1 *,.*[)],$' /usr/src/***/src/config.c; \tsed -ri 's!^( *createBoolConfig[(]\"protected-mode\",.*, *)1( *,.*[)],)$!\\10\\2!' /usr/src/***/src/config.c; \tgrep -E '^ *createBoolConfig[(]\"protected-mode\",.*, *0 *,.*[)],$' /usr/src/***/src/config.c; \t\tgnuArch=\"$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)\"; \textraJemallocConfigureFlags=\"--build=$gnuArch\"; \tdpkgArch=\"$(dpkg --print-architecture)\"; \tcase \"${dpkgArch##*-}\" in \t\tamd64 | i386 | x32) extraJemallocConfigureFlags=\"$extraJemallocConfigureFlags --with-lg-page=12\" ;; \t\t*) extraJemallocConfigureFlags=\"$extraJemallocConfigureFlags --with-lg-page=16\" ;; \tesac; \textraJemallocConfigureFlags=\"$extraJemallocConfigureFlags --with-lg-hugepage=21\"; \tgrep -F 'cd jemalloc && ./configure ' /usr/src/***/deps/Makefile; \tsed -ri 's!cd jemalloc && ./configure !&'\"$extraJemallocConfigureFlags\"' !' /usr/src/***/deps/Makefile; \tgrep -F \"cd jemalloc && ./configure $extraJemallocConfigureFlags \" /usr/src/***/deps/Makefile; \t\texport BUILD_TLS=yes; \tmake -C /usr/src/*** -j \"$(nproc)\" all; \tmake -C /usr/src/*** install; \t\tserverMd5=\"$(md5sum /usr/local/bin/***-server | cut -d' ' -f1)\"; export serverMd5; \tfind /usr/local/bin/**** -maxdepth 0 \t\t-type f -not -name ***-server \t\t-exec sh -eux -c ' \t\t\tmd5=\"$(md5sum \"$1\" | cut -d\" \" -f1)\"; \t\t\ttest \"$md5\" = \"$serverMd5\"; \t\t' -- '{}' ';' \t\t-exec ln -svfT '***-server' '{}' ';' \t; \t\trm -r /usr/src/***; \t\trunDeps=\"$( \t\tscanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' --recursive /usr/local \t\t\t| tr ',' '\\n' \t\t\t| sort -u \t\t\t| awk 'system(\"[ -e /usr/local/lib/\" $1 \" ]\") == 0 { next } { print \"so:\" $1 }' \t)\"; \tapk add --no-network --virtual .***-rundeps $runDeps; \tapk del --no-network .build-deps; \t\t***-cli --version; \t***-server --version; \t\techo '{\"spdxVersion\":\"SPDX-2.3\",\"SPDXID\":\"SPDXRef-DOCUMENT\",\"name\":\"***-server-sbom\",\"packages\":[{\"name\":\"***-server\",\"versionInfo\":\"unstable\",\"SPDXID\":\"SPDXRef-Package--***-server\",\"externalRefs\":[{\"referenceCategory\":\"PACKAGE-MANAGER\",\"referenceType\":\"purl\",\"referenceLocator\":\"pkg:generic/***-server@unstable?os_name=alpine&os_version=3.21\"}],\"licenseDeclared\":\"BSD-3-Clause\"}]}' > /usr/local/***.spdx.json" did not complete successfully: exit code: 2
Generate Jobs
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
unstable - test
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
unstable-alpine - test
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
unstable - Build and push
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
unstable-alpine - Build and push
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see