A test project that uses ASP.NET Core Web API as backend and React as frontend and processes users' favourite films. It uses PostgreSQL as the database.
- ASP.NET Core Web API
- Swagger
- EF Core
- PostgreSQL
- Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
- Clean Architecture
- xUnit
- Moq
- React
- TypeScript
- Axios
- Chakra UI
- Yup
- Formik
When you open the app, the homepage displays a list of films with the following features:
Film List:
- The homepage shows a list of movies;
- Users can scroll through the list to explore available movies.
Film Actions:
- Each movie has options to:
- Edit: Opens a form where you can modify the film's details, such as the title, description, genre, etc;
- Delete: Permanently removes the film from the collection.
- Each movie has options to:
Adding a New Film:
- The top navigation bar contains a button labeled "New Film".
- Clicking the "New Film" button opens a form where users can add a new movie to the collection by providing:
- Title
- Description
- Genre
- Director
- Release Year
- Rating
- Swagger:
- Homepage:
- Adding a Film:
- Editing a Film:
- Deleting a Film:
Make sure the following tools are installed on your machine:
- Node.js (v16 or later)
- npm or yarn
- Visual Studio (with ASP.NET and web development installed)
- PostgreSQL (v12 or later)
- Git
Clone the repository to your machine:
git clone https://github.com/vanyachernov/NetCoreFilms.git
cd ./NetCoreFilms
To configure the environment variables for the backend and frontend, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the backend directory:
cd ./backend
- Copy the .env.example file to create your own .env file:
cp .env.example .env
- Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd ../frontend
Copy the .env.example file to create your own .env file just like you did in the backend.
- Restore dependencies:
dotnet restore
- Apply database migrations:
dotnet ef database update
- Start the development server:
dotnet run
- Install dependencies:
npm install
# or
yarn install
- Start the development server:
npm start
# or
yarn start
I'm sure you can do it! 🙃
The backend, built with ASP.NET Core Web API. Handles requests, manages the PostgreSQL database, and provides APIs for films management.
The frontend, built with React. Interacts with the API to display data and provide functionality (CRUD operations).