The free, open source PipelineCsv library is designed to work with the results of analysis of in-line flaw detection data in the form of a CSV file.
The library provides a set of high-level operations with CSV file.
Data can be
- mirrored
- glued together from several CSV files
- stretched/compressed along the distance according to a given set of intermediate points
- interpreted as an iterable sequence of pipes with geodata
pip install pipeline-csv
It is necessary to define the sets of defects and markers used in your project.
To do this, you need to define your class for CSV row by deriving it from the pipeline_csv.csvfile.row.Row
class and
override two methods of this class: defekts_dict
and lineobj_dict
from pipeline_csv.csvfile.row import Row
class TypeMarker:
class TypeDefekt:
DENT = 1
class MyRow(Row):
def defekts_dict():
return {
TypeDefekt.CORROZ: "Corrosion",
TypeDefekt.DENT: "Dent",
TypeDefekt.FACTORY: "Manufacturing defect",
def lineobj_dict():
return {
TypeMarker.VALVE: "Valve",
TypeMarker.CASE_START: "Casing start",
TypeMarker.CASE_END: "Casing end",
For the data mirroring operation, you need to override the markers_reverse
method, which returns a dictionary that specifies the rules for replacing when mirroring.
class MyRow(Row):
def markers_reverse():
return {
TypeMarker.CASE_START: TypeMarker.CASE_END,
TypeMarker.CASE_END: TypeMarker.CASE_START,
Further, the MyRow class can be used in operations with data of CSV files.
- Creating a CSV file
- Data mirroring
- Docking new data and compression/stretching
- Pipe sequence
- Defect location at the pipe
- Depth of defect
- Pipeline diameter changing
git clone
cd pipeline.csv
make setup PYTHON_BIN=/path/to/python3
make tests