Its a simple e-commerce site with two login types i.e., admin and normal user. Where an admin can add or remove a product or user or admin and also be able to mark the order to be delivered. This website uses PayPal checkout integration for a seamless transaction across countries.
- Admin login.
- User login.
- Stripe Payment.
- Cart and Checkout Features.
- User reviews for Products.
- Ability to Add/Edit users, products, orders by Admin.
Client: React, Redux, Bootstrap
Server: Node, Express, MongoDB
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
npm install
Install Client dependencies
cd frontend
npm install
Start the both frontend and backend using nodemon from project directory
cd ..
#make sure you are in project directory instead of frontend directory.
npm run dev
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at