Simple P2P Chat is a simple, lightweight app for users to text each other from their mobiles. This chat application demonstrates a simple solution for the most basic chat requirements like google authentication, read receipts, unread message counts, online status etc.
Client: React Js (Vite), easy-peasy ( for state management ), Material UI
Server: Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase Hosting
- Home/Chats/Login/Not-Found/Require-Auth Pages
- Google Authentication
- Online status
- Read Receipts ( single tick for sent , double tick for recieved, blue tick for seen)
- Unread Message Count
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd simple-p2p-chat
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
Strong Data Integrity Rules - Firebase Rules
Better Optimization of Firebase calls ( currently there are few redundant calls )
Cleaning the code
Testing the code
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at