Shell | zsh |
WM | bspwm |
Editor | Doom Emacs |
Terminal | st |
Launcher | dmenu |
Browser | firefox |
. |-- bin |-- hosts | |-- aarch64-darwin | | `-- lucid | |-- aarch64-linux | | `-- air | |-- x86_64-linux | | |-- earth | | `-- limber-lt-kdb | `-- x86_64-windows | `-- nightmare `-- modules |-- audio |-- darwin |-- desktop |-- home-manager | |-- cli | |-- desktop | | |-- backgrounds | | |-- dmenu | | |-- dunst | | `-- higan | |-- dev | |-- editors | | |-- doom | | `-- nvim | `-- services |-- nixos `-- services 30 directories
- Yoink the latest stable build of NixOS
- Boot into the installer
Skip the following if an ethernet cable is already plugged in
sudo -i
systemctl start wpa_supplicant
> add_network
> set_network 0 ssid "myssid"
> set_network 0 psk "mypassword"
> set_network 0 key_mgmt WPA-PSK
> enable_network 0
Test the internet connection with ping
The `nixos-anywhere` can be used to install the device via an ssh connection. This is not recommended if you are dual-booting.
If it’s a new device you need to make sure the location of hardware-configuration is imported, but doesn’t exist yet.
Please, make sure the drive of the disko-config is adjusted to the drive seen
from running lsblk
nix run github:nix-community/nixos-anywhere -- --generate-hardware-config \
nixos-generate-config \
./hosts/<platform>/<hostname>/hardware-configuration.nix \
--flake .#hostname root@<ip address>
Use disko to format the drives (for any other platforms)
Copy the disk information to the installer. And adjust the drive of
with drive from running lsblk
cd /tmp
curl -o /tmp/disk-config.nix
Use disko to partition the drive.
sudo nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run \
github:nix-community/disko/latest -- --mode disko /tmp/disko-config.nix
Double-check the drives are properly mounted, and run the installer.
mount | grep /mnt
nixos-generate-config --no-filesystems --root /mnt
mv /tmp/disko-config.nix /mnt/etc/nixos/hosts/<platform>/<hostname>/disko-config.nix