This is my Multiuse TypeScript bot that is using the SpookVooper API
- Code editor (I highly recomend Visual Studio Code by microsoft and the install guide is based on this editor)
- Node.js and npm Version 5.2.1 (This is the backbone of the entire bot)
Download the bot via the command git in a terminal (EX: git clone
Open Visual Studio Code
Click file, then click open folder and navagate to the programs folder
on your keyboard do the hotkey "Ctrl + `" , This will open a therminal, Dont be scared! I will walk you through this
type the command "npm install" You might get some errors but this is fine
Go to the folder src, then click on Config.ts and follow the steps there
Copy and Past this command: "tsc"
To run the bot now you will run this command: "node dist\bot.js"