Before the pingap version is stable, no pull requests will be accepted. If you have any questions, please create a new issue first.
Pingap is a high-performance reverse proxy built on pingora, offering a simpler and more efficient alternative to nginx. Sentry and OpenTelemetry are supported in full-featured release version.
中文说明 | Examples | Documentation
flowchart LR
internet("Internet") -- request --> pingap["Pingap"]
pingap --* --> apiUpstream[","]
pingap -- --> cdnUpstream[","]
pingap -- --> upstream[","]
- Multi-Location Support: Configure multiple locations with host/path filtering and weighted routing
- Advanced Proxy Features:
- Path rewriting with regex support
- Transparent proxy
- HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 support (including h2c)
- gRPC-web reverse proxy
- Service Discovery: Static, DNS, and Docker label support
- Monitoring & Observability:
- 10+ Prometheus metrics (pull/push)
- OpenTelemetry with W3C context and Jaeger trace support
- Access logging with 30+ configurable attributes
- Configuration:
- TOML-based configuration
- File and etcd storage support
- Hot reload support (10-second activation)
- Web UI for easy management
- Security & Performance:
- Let's Encrypt integration
- Multi-domain TLS support with automatic certificate selection
- HTTP plugin system (caching, compression, auth, rate limiting)
- Detailed performance metrics
Pingap can be started with either a configuration directory or a single TOML file:
# Using a config directory
RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/pingap/conf -d --log=/opt/pingap/pingap.log
# Using a single TOML file
RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/pingap/pingap.toml -d --log=/opt/pingap/pingap.log
Key flags:
: Path to config directory or TOML file-d
: Run in daemon/background mode--log
: Path to log file (logs are appended)RUST_LOG=INFO
: Set logging level (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR)
Performs a zero-downtime restart of Pingap by following these steps:
- Validates the new configuration
- Gracefully shuts down the existing process
- Starts a new process to handle incoming requests
# Graceful restart command
RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/pingap/conf -t \
&& pkill -SIGQUIT pingap \
&& RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/pingap/conf -d -u --log=/opt/pingap/pingap.log
Key flags:
: Test/validate configuration before restart-u
: Upgrade mode (ensures smooth handover from old process)-d
: Run in daemon modeSIGQUIT
: Signal for graceful shutdown
Automatically monitors configuration files and handles changes in two ways:
- Full Restart: When core configurations change, performs a graceful restart
- Hot Reload: When only upstream or location configurations change, updates take effect within ~10 seconds without restart
# Enable auto-restart and hot reload
RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/pingap/conf \
-a -d --autoreload --log=/opt/pingap/pingap.log
Key flags:
: Enable auto-restart on configuration changes--autoreload
: Enable hot reload for upstream/location changes-d
: Run in daemon mode-c
: Path to configuration directory
Run Pingap in a Docker container with auto-reload and admin interface enabled:
docker run -it -d --restart=always \
-v $PWD/pingap:/opt/pingap \
-p 3018:3018 \
vicanso/pingap -c /opt/pingap/conf
Key options:
: Interactive terminal (allows input/output)-d
: Run container in detached/background mode--restart=always
: Automatically restart container if it stops-v $PWD/pingap:/opt/pingap
: Mount local config directory into container-p 3018:3018
: Expose admin interface port
Note: Remember to change the default admin credentials (pingap:123123
) in production environments.
make dev
If you need a web admin, you should install nodejs and build web asssets.
# generate admin web asset
cd web
npm i
cd ..
make build-web
addrs = [""]
upstream = "charts"
path = "/"
addr = ""
locations = ["lo"]
All toml configurations are as follows pingap.toml.
graph TD;
server["HTTP Server"];
locationA["Location A"];
locationB["Location B"];
locationPluginListA["Proxy Plugin List A"];
locationPluginListB["Proxy Plugin List B"];
upstreamA1["Upstream A1"];
upstreamA2["Upstream A2"];
upstreamB1["Upstream B1"];
upstreamB2["Upstream B2"];
locationResponsePluginListA["Response Plugin List A"];
locationResponsePluginListB["Response Plugin List B"];
start("New Request") --> server
server -- "host:HostA, Path:/api/*" --> locationA
server -- "Path:/rest/*"--> locationB
locationA -- "Exec Proxy Plugins" --> locationPluginListA
locationB -- "Exec Proxy Plugins" --> locationPluginListB
locationPluginListA -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamA1
locationPluginListA -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamA2
locationPluginListA -- "done" --> response
locationPluginListB -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamB1
locationPluginListB -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamB2
locationPluginListB -- "done" --> response
upstreamA1 -- "Exec Response Plugins" --> locationResponsePluginListA
upstreamA2 -- "Exec Response Plugins" --> locationResponsePluginListA
upstreamB1 -- "Exec Response Plugins" --> locationResponsePluginListB
upstreamB2 -- "Exec Response Plugins" --> locationResponsePluginListB
locationResponsePluginListA --> response
locationResponsePluginListB --> response
response["HTTP Response"] --> stop("Logging");
CPU: M4 Pro, Thread: 1
wrk '' --latency
Running 10s test @
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 59.87us 20.27us 1.00ms 81.00%
Req/Sec 82.12k 3.04k 85.77k 90.59%
Latency Distribution
50% 63.00us
75% 69.00us
90% 76.00us
99% 97.00us
1650275 requests in 10.10s, 215.61MB read
Requests/sec: 163396.17
Transfer/sec: 21.35MB
Our current MSRV is 1.74
This project is Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.