Voiceai is a library for controlling a machine using text and voice based interface. It uses
- The Stanford NER tagger for NER Tagging
- The Stanford POS tagger for POS Tagging
- The Facebook fastText for text classification
- The pint library for converting units
- The fixer.io api for converting currencies
- The duckduckgo wrapper for searching
- Music control
- Play Song/Artist/Album
- Pause
- Stop
- Resume
Music library must be provided as json file.
Note : ML Algorithm for learning taste of music coming soon.
- Hardware Control
- Adjust volume
- Adjust brightness (needs root access)
- Conversion Control
- Convert units and dimensions
- Convert currencies (internet required)
- Web search Control
- Search anything using the DuckDuckGo api
- Greeting Control
- Engage in a casual conversation with the bot
- Alarm Control
- Set alarms and reminders
- Wolfram Control
- Use Wolfram Alpha to get answers to mathematical answers
- Training
- Add new sentences for text classification (fastText)
- Add new NER tags for better support (Stanford-NER)
- Add new POS tags for better support (Stanford-POSTagger)
Place the voiceai directory in your project
git clone https://github.com/vidursatija/voiceai.git
import voiceai
VC = voiceai.VoiceAIControl()
print(VC.process_message("Play some Taylor Swift songs"))
print(VC.process_message("Increase brightness by 10%"))
print(VC.process_message("How many miles are there in a kilometer?"))