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PRs are most welcome! This doc covers some basic things you'll need to know to set up your development environment and streamline the review process.

How this Project is structured

This project consists of these parts:

Environment Setup


Use Node Version Manager, which allows to simply run nvm install within the root, to install and apply the correct node version. Otherwise make sure, you are using the Node.js version from .nvmrc.


This project uses yarn as a package manager.


Do not install yarn using npm, this would install outdated yarn v1. Read the yarn installation docs or follow the next steps.

  1. corepack enable
  2. corepack prepare yarn@stable --activate
  3. yarn install

Make sure to correctly configure your IDE by following the Editor SDKs guide.


These are some recommendations and hints on how to work with the project for optimal support during development through the IDEs.


Working on the overall architecture and TypeScript sourcecode works best by opening the library root directory with the IDE of you choice which supports TypeScript like VSCode, WebStorm or similar.


  • Android Studio freely available on all platforms
  • Open the packages/react-native-app/android directory
    • Shows the library as mlrn in the sourcetree
    • Shows the React Native example app as app in the sourcetree
  • You can rebuild the React Native Android example app directly from Android Studio, when you have changed Java/Kotlin code


  • Xcode freely available on macOS
  • Open the packages/react-native-app/ios/MapLibreReactNativeExample.xcworkspace file
    • Shows the library as Pods > Development Pods > maplibre-react-native
    • Shows the React Native example app as MapLibreReactNativeExample
  • You can rebuild the React Native iOS example app directly from Xcode, when you have changed Objective-C/Swift code


The React Native and Expo example apps are set up to use the library files in the root and the example scenes from /packages/examples. Therefore, when using the start commands, changes to TypeScript code will be immediately refreshed. When changing native Android or iOS code, it's necessary to rebuild the native dev clients.

Install dependencies

This project uses yarn workspaces to accommodate the example apps. You can run yarn install form anywhere, which will install dependencies for all workspaces.

Expo App

  • To execute commands for the Expo app, you can run with
    yarn example:expo <script>
    • Alternatively switch to the /packages/expo-app directory and use the commands without the example:expo prefix
  • Build and run a platform:
    • yarn example:expo android for building and running Android
    • yarn example:expo ios for building and running iOS
  • Starting the dev server
    yarn example:expo start
  • Purging all artifacts, if you want to create a clean build
    yarn example:expo purge

React Native App

  • To execute commands for the React Native app, you can run with
    yarn example:react-native <script>
  • Build and run a platform:
    • Building and running Android
      yarn example:react-native android
    • Building and running iOS
      yarn example:react-native ios:pod-install (necessary on first install/changes in Podfile)
      yarn example:react-native ios
  • Starting the dev server
    yarn example:react-native start
    Press one of the following keys:
    • a for building and running Android
    • i for building and running iOS
  • Purging all artifacts, if you want to create a clean build
    yarn purge, which will run:
    • yarn purge:js
    • yarn purge:android
    • yarn purge:ios

It's also possible to build and run the React Native app from Android Studio and Xcode, see IDEs.



This library uses a strict linting setup enforced through TypeScript and ESLint. Use yarn lint to run all linters.

Unit Tests

The unit tests are implemented through Jest and React Native Testing Library. They are found within /src/__tests__. For these tests all native functionality should be mocked and only the TypeScript sourcecode is tested. Run them with yarn test.

End-to-End Tests

The end-to-end tests are implemented through Maestro in the React Native example app. They are found within /packages/react-native-app/e2e. To run them locally, install Maestro first. Then run the React Native example app on Android emulator or iOS Simulator using yarn example:react-native start. To execute the tests run maestro test ./packages/react-native-app/e2e.


Documentation is generated from code blocks and comments. Run yarn codegen to generate the docs.

It's not feasible to edit the files within /docs/components or /docs/modules directly. Each file has a comment which notes from which file the doc was generated. To make a change, update the TSDoc in the corresponding file and run yarn codegen again.

Best Practices for PRs

If you are about to implement something new or substantially change this library, consider to first open an issue to discuss the matter.

Make sure to use small concise commits with meaningful commit messages based on conventional commits. Please also name your PR following this schema, as we use semantic-release to automatically generate the CHANGELOG.

If you implemented a new feature, please add tests and demonstrate the functionality through adding a scene in examples. Document your feature using the appropriate TSDoc comments.

Make sure, the checks on the pipeline pass, when creating a PR. See Testing on how to run these locally.

Using an unreleased Version in another Project

As this library needs a build step, it's discouraged to continuously develop against another app project and rather use the React Native or Expo example apps for fast, iterative development. The examples are set up to use the TypeScript source files without a build step, with updates through the dev server. But we encourage to test your changes after the initial development within you own app, allowing you to validate changes in a more complex use case.

Using a packed Tarball .tgz

The simplest approach is creating a Tarball .tgz,copying it to your project and installing from file. This has the benefits that it should work in any environment like CI as well as eas build --local and also for other collaborators, as it can be committed in your repository.

  1. Run yarn pack --out %s-%v.tgz within the library
    This will create a @maplibre-maplibre-react-native-X.X.X.tgz file for latest version at the root of the library
  2. Copy the file into your app project, you can choose any path or name
  3. Install from file
    yarn add ./@maplibre-maplibre-react-native-X.X.X.tgz or similar command of the package manager of you choice

Use yarn link/npm link

You can use commands like yarn link or npm link or a comparable alternative of the package manager of your choice.

Another alternative for link is using yalc.


When using link or yalc, you will have to run yarn prepack after changes to the TypeScript source code within this library. A watch mode is not available through these approaches. For faster development, use the example apps.