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Vietmap GL SDK for React Native

Migration From v1.0.0 to v2.0.0

A React Native library for building maps with
the Vietmap GL Native SDK for iOS & Android

Contact to register a valid key.

Get started

Install package:

Using npm:

    npm i @vietmap/vietmap-gl-react-native

Using yarn:

    yarn add @vietmap/vietmap-gl-react-native


Follow the instructions in the below link to setup the library in your project:



You must set your API key before using the library. This is required on Android and optional on iOS. You can set the API key in your app's entry file (e.g. App.js).

Getting Started (start here)

We've created a demo project for Vietmap React-Native GL library, which contains sample code for the main functions of the library here.

If you're using the Expo project, follow the guide from this project.




Email us:

Contact for support

Vietmap API document here

Have a bug to report? Open an issue. If possible, include a full log and information that shows the issue. Have a feature request? Open an issue. Tell us what the feature should do and why you want the feature.