A websocket based example app for conducting a quick sprint retro.
Ensure Go, Nodejs and Docker are installed.
cd .\src\frontend\
Install packages and dependencies.
npm install
Build the frontend.
This creates assets in "frontend/dist" directory. This dist directory is embedded in the backend Golang binary.
npm run build-dev
Navigate back to root directory.
docker compose up
Visit http://localhost:8080 to open the Vue app and start creating a board.
Run the app.
npm run dev
Visit http://localhost:5173/ to open.
No logins.
Share the board url with people to participate in the retro meeting.
Board creator can opt to blur/unblur messages during the retro meeting.
Board creator can update/delete any message (including messages of other participants).
Board creator can lock/unlock board (Lock to make it read-only).
Board creator can download details as Pdf.
Online presence display.
All data auto-deleted within 2 hours of most recent update.
Use in production after vetting it. This example was created with the intent of learning Go.