- Viona Osiako
- Aaron Ekal
- Harriette Maina
- Winston Musasia
- Christine Mwangi
This is a web application that focuses on three main issues: Social intergration, Poverty eradication and Employment eradcication in a mission to reduce poverty levels among different households. It provides services where one can find jobs, can make a donation to support the initiative, offer trainings as well as pitch for projects.
- Users can create an account and log in.
- Users can create profiles
- Users can update records
- Users can delete records
- Users can categorize or sort different types of regions, social backgrounds, etc
- Users can search
- Users can view other users
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
- Angular
- Github pages
- Bootstrap
- Unable to load images from the frontend site.
[MIT] Authors Contact Information [musasiawinston@gmail.com] [christine.mwangi@student.moringaschool.com] [viona.osiako@student.moringaschool.com] [aaron.ekal@student.moringaschool.com] [hariette.maina@student.moringaschool.com] GenerationGiftAngular (c) 2022 Go Back to the top